Friday, July 12, 2013

Summer Fun For Preschoolers: Frosty Shaving Cream

Today I am happy to welcome Ashley from Life with Moore Babies with an outdoor sensory / science activity great for short attention spans!

This is the sixth week in the Summer Fun For Preschoolers series! Each Friday for the rest of the summer I will share a guest post with wonderful ideas of ways to intentionally spend time with your young children!  Click here for a list of all the weeks, and check out the contributors in the left hand sidebar!

My kids have loved shaving cream ever since they were introduced to it a couple years ago. They love painting with it in the tub, or on the floor, or on their legs, or just generally making a mess with it! Once I added color to make shaving cream paint it was even more enticing!

With the warm weather, I decided to make some Frosty Shaving Cream by simply freezing the colored Shaving Cream Paint! To start with I colored the shaving cream (the super cheap shaving cream) with food coloring.

Then I spooned it into ice cube trays to freeze. I thought it would be easier in little cubes, but it really didn't come out as easily as I had hoped. I will probably use a jelly roll pan next time! I think any bowl would work, but the larger the bowl the longer it will take to freeze. We froze ours for 4 or 5 hours. It wasn't completely frozen, but you could still feel the frostiness in the center of it! 

Into the water table it went and in the girls dove! Running their hand through the chilly shaving cream and mixing up a rainbow of colors. (I wish you could see the frostiness!) Then they scooped it back into the ice cube trays and pretended to serve it as food of some sort! 

It thawed out fast, but the girls didn't mind. They just kept on painting the water table with it! As with most things around here, we finished by adding some water. This is when Eli got really interested. He is a sucker for water play, and the foamy bubbles were fun too!

I ended with soaking wet kids, but I think they had a good time cooling off!

A classic strong-willed child, Ashley, fulfilled her lifelong dream of becoming a veterinarian in 2005; only to realize a new dream had formed, having a family with her husband (another strong-willed child). After much heartache, they were blessed with two daughters and a son, who are all proving to be just as spirited as their parents! Though she is still working part-time, she fills her days off with fun activities and lots of learning with her three kids. And this is where the blog comes in. Life with Moore Babies is where she documents the activities they do and the places they go in hopes that someone might be inspired to do some “fun learning” with their kids.You can find Ashley on Facebook, Pinterest, Twitter, and Google +.

Looking for more summer fun?  Click here for a list of all the weeks, and check out the contributors in the left hand sidebar!

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I may share at any of these parties!


  1. Thanks for letting me share in your great series! :)

  2. Thanks so much for contributing Ashley! You have such wonderful ideas!

  3. I pinned this. I want to try it with my son.

  4. Love the idea of freezing the shaving cream, we use shaving cream A LOT too but I have never froze it, also loving the other ideas that have been shared, thanks for letting me share :-)
    Domesticated Breakdown

  5. Sounds like a great way to keep cool!

  6. We love playing with frozen shaving cream. We usually put ours in a bowl before bed & it's usually frozen by morning for playing. I haven't added color to the shaving cream but it looks like a blast! Thank you for sharing at our Pinteresting Party!

  7. JDaniel4's Mom: Thanks for pinning! If you try it, I'd love to see how you did it!

    Lacie, Doesn't freezing it sound great?! Especially on a hot day!

    Steph, I completely agree!

    Lauren, I'll have to try using a bowl at sounds perfect!


  8. I have done this with my kiddos before, but I think I'm going to have to pull this out again this week.

  9. Thanks for linking up with us at Artsy Play Wednesday!

  10. What a fun activity. I bet it was fun to see the colors mix!

    Thanks for linking up to TGIF. I hope to see you linked up again later today.

    Gave a great weekend,


  11. Super fun idea!! I am featuring your post on Share It Saturday tomorrow. Thanks for linking up!

  12. Oh, how fun!! Thank you for sharing at Sharing Saturday!!

  13. That water table is awesome. I just saw it on her blog filled with star shaped marshmallow filled ice cubes.


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