Monday, September 16, 2013

Teach Me Tuesday is Changing!

Are you ready for some big news?

Preschool Powol Packets

Teach Me Tuesday is moving to Facebook!

This blog is not leaving, but the weekly linky party is moving to Facebook.

Before I go any further, I want to tell everyone who has linked up to Teach Me Tuesday in the past, "Thank you so, so much for joining me here!!  I have truly enjoyed hosting Teach Me Tuesday at Preschool Powol Packets.  It is an event that I look forward to each week and I love promoting your posts on Facebook and Pinterest too!  I feel like I have "met" many of my favorite bloggers through this linky party and I really want to stay in touch with you!  Please join me at each Tuesday to share your wonderful posts!

Because I have loved Teach Me Tuesday here so much, this was a very difficult decision for me.  I do not want to bore you with all the details and research that went into this decision, but I will tell you a few things:  I have hosted Teach Me Tuesday for more than 40 weeks (in two segments), and I have absolutely loved it.  It is always hard to make a big change when you have invested a lot of time and emotion into something, but I am sure this is a good thing.

So, here is how it will work:
1- Click over to my PreschoolPowolPackets Facebook page.
2- Under my header, in the middle of the screen is a button that says "Highlights."  Click on it and change it to "Posts by Others" so you can easily see what everyone else is sharing.
3- Share 1-2 of your best family friendly educational posts by leaving a link and (optionally!) adding a photo.  You are welcome to share family friendly lessons, activities, crafts, printables, games, recipes, etc.
4- You can click through and visit posts that others have shared and/or leave them comments right at PreschoolPowolPackets!

I will, of course, visit posts shared and pin them!

I would love to have you share tonight or any time tomorrow!

And, as the final Teach Me Tuesday event here on the blog, I want to feature the most clicked link from last week and the free printables.  Remember to visit my Free Printables board here for more great resources!

FREE Farm Pack Update from 3 Dinosaurs
FREE Roll a House from Gift of Curiosity
FREE Romping & Rolling I Pack from 3 Dinosaurs
FREE Blank Fall Bucket List from 3 Dinosaurs
FREE Made for Tot Printables: My Body from Growing Merrily
FREE Trick or Treat Halloween Words Memory Game from Enchanted Homeschooling Mom
FREE Prewriting Practice Printables from 3 Dinosaurs

And the most clicked on link from last week was:

Thanks for coming by, and be sure to join me at PreschoolPowolPackets on Facebook!

I may share at any of these parties!


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