Thursday, January 16, 2020

STEM Preschool: Engineering Camp / Co-op Class

I'm teaching a STEM Preschool class this term to our preschool-2nd grade homeschool class, and I am super excited to share my plans with you all! 

You can use these lessons as stand-alone lessons (they're each about 45 minutes), put them together to make a STEM Preschool Camp this spring or summer, or use them once a week in a co-op like we are! Or, use them in any way you find useful! They are all fun, hands-on learning experiences that are perfect for preschoolers!

I will write a lesson plan up for each week and link it to the following outline:

Projects: Musical Marble Runs
Science Concepts: sound, gravity, force (a push or pull)

Projects: Paper Rockets
Science Concepts: gravity, force

Week 3: Bridges
Projects: TP Roll & Cardboard Bridges
Science Concepts: strong shapes, structural support

Week 4: Newspaper Towers
Projects: Newspaper Towers
Science Concepts: force, structural support, gravity

Week 5: Marble Mazes
Projects: Cardboard Marble Mazes
Science Concepts: sizes and spaces

I'll also package the five lessons up into a nice download for y'all too, in case you'd like to just print off the lessons! That will be available right here...but coming soon!

Happy Educating,

Have you seen HEEP? It is a preschool homeschool curriculum! Learn more here!

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