Monday, October 29, 2012

Christmas Around the USA Review and Giveaway!!

I am so excited to be able to share this wonderful curriculum from Enchanted Homeschooling Mom!  Her Christmas Around the USA introduces and reviews the 50 states by sharing Christmas traditions and culture.  It is perfect for a winter homeschooling curriculum, a Christmas advent, a supplemental activity, or even a fun 50 states curriculum any time of the year!

I'll share more about the Christmas Around the USA {and the giveaway!} in just a moment.  First, I want to tell you a little about Enchanted Homeschooling Mom.  Her blog has tons if ideas for homeschooling families and for parents who are just looking to enrich their child's education with fun activities.  Her members-only website has over 100 printables (with themes like The Berenstain Bears, Thanksgiving, Fall, and many more) and is frequently updated.  This Christmas Around the USA was just added!  She could easily package the Christmas Around the USA unit as a book and sell it for $15.00, but instead she charges just $15.00 for lifetime access to the entire members-only website!  That includes the Christmas unit, all the printables that are currently up, and any that she adds in the future!

But now, on to the Christmas Around the USA curriculum!  This unit contains over 165 pages of fun-filled activities and information about each state at Christmas time.  Everyone has to learn the 50 states, and this makes it so much fun!  The unit begins with instructions to make this Christmas tree craft. As you go through the lessons, your child creates a paper ornament with every state to hang on the tree.

The unit also includes a "brick" suitcase, a card for Santa with "stamps" that you place from every state, a holiday card for each state, tons of wonderful information about each state, a variety of arts, crafts, and baking projects, and so much more!  There are even personal family traditions from individuals living in about half the states!

We're going to use this program for a huge "road trip" around the country in November and December.  It may even become an annual tradition--there is easily enough information in the curriculum to introduce new concepts each year while reviewing the states that we have learned in the past!  Check out this sample page from the curriculum with information about Texas:

To learn even more about the Christmas Around the USA curriculum, click here.  To learn more about Enchanted Homeschooling Mom's member's-only website, click here.  To have a chance to win a {FREE} copy of the Christmas Around the USA curriculum, keep reading!!

Enchanted Homeschooling Mom is giving one of my readers the entire Christmas Around the USA curriculum for free!!  To enter, use the easy rafflecopter form below!!  Good luck!  The form will close at midnight on Wednesday, November 7th!

Disclaimer:  I was given access to the member's only website (and the Christmas Around the USA curriculum) in order to provide this review.  All opinions are 100% mine, and I only recommend items that I expect my readers to love!

a Rafflecopter giveaway

I may share at any of these parties!


  1. My son just started learning all the State Capitals. This would be a fun addition to his learning.

    Our favorite holiday tradition would probably be decorating our home as a family the day after Thanksgiving!

  2. Oh, my daughter would LOVE to use this Christmas Around the USA curriculum (and so would I)! I just found your blog and am going to be spending the rest of my evening exploring it.
    Thanks for the chance to win!

  3. My favorite tradition is reading The Polar Express each Christmas Eve.

  4. Mass, and the kids love all the Christmas movies.

  5. putting up the tree

  6. BAKING! I love to bake with my babies!!!

  7. I love baking cookies with the kids and decorating them.

  8. Lighting the candles on our Christmas tree! its a German tradition. ;-)

  9. Making cookies, listening to music, decorating the house.. and recently my daughter is old enough to buy a gift someone and donate it. Its a great way to give back.

  10. Reading the True Story Of Christmas right before we open gifts!

  11. I would LOVE to win! I used to teach Christmas Around the World to my students and would love to use this with my daughter this year. My favorite Christmas tradition is our book-a-day tradition. I wrap 25 Christmas books and we open one each day. The night before Christmas we open and read "The Night Before Christmas." We have so much fun snuggling and reading. Alyssa gets a new Christmas book on Christmas Day. Most, but not all, of the books I read our about the true reason why we celebrate Christmas. Love doing this event hough I dislike wrapping gifts.

  12. My family used to go through a drive-thru light display every Christmas Eve.

  13. My favorite tradition is opening one gift each on Christmas Eve (everyone gets pajamas). Then, after changing into our new PJs we read The Night Before Christmas together as a family.

  14. Going out on Christmas Eve and look at the lights...

    Bud Lisa Samson - RC form name

  15. What don't I love about Christmas? The best thing about it is the kids excitement. On the 1st day of December last year, I put out mini powdered sugar donuts and a little note for the kids from the elves, reminding them that Santa is watching them. They were beside themselves.

  16. We get together with other families and have a cookie baking day. We do it at Church where there are 2 ovens. Then we exchange the cookies. All the baking is done in one day. Love it.

  17. Opening 3 presents on Christmas eve and reading the story of Jesus birth!

  18. Opening gifts at midnight with my husband and pups

  19. My favorite Christmas tradition is going to pick out our tree. It is so fun getting bundled up and going out in the cold together as a family.

  20. My favorite tradition is opening presents and finding that perfect present to give to others. So fun!

  21. Love this giveaway! And glad to have found your blog for the first time! Check out ours at
    We are americans who are missionaries in Ireland! (We do have a US address though for all giveaways and other mail of course!)

  22. I love getting out my nativities at Christmastime!

  23. My favorite tradition is making Christmas Eve dinner and spending the day with family. Depending on the weather we go sledding or just play games

  24. I love the cooking, and just being with family!

  25. Decorating the tree as a familya

  26. writing the christmas cards!

  27. Baking with my family prior to the big day.

  28. My favorite tradition is cuddling up with my family watching Christmas movies. cwitherstine at zoominternet dot net

  29. My favorite tradition is driving around looking at Christmas lights w/my family and listening to Christmas music. I love it!

  30. We buy the kids pj's every year and on christmas eve they get to open that one special present that always has the pj's in it. That way they get to wake up Christmas morning in something new every year! My family has carried this tradition from me to my kids for the past 27 years.

  31. Christmas dinner is my favorite tradition!

  32. putting up the tree with help of the kids and also having christmas music on in the background!

  33. My favorite Christmas tradition is getting new pjs for the kids :)

  34. Our favorite is reading 25 days of Christmas books and singing christmas songs!

  35. The annual christmas card photos. I love to see how the kids have changed from year to year

    Tabatha Carlson

  36. My favorite holdiay tradition would be decorating the home as a family (:

    Moniquebbon at gmail dot com

  37. Our favorite tradition is packing up the kids for a trip to la Salette shrine to see their amazing Christmas light display.
    ~Colleen P

  38. I love decorating the tree and putting up all the decorations around the house with the kids. I also love sharing the day with all our relatives that are normally out of state.

  39. I love doing our Advent Ceremony on Christmas Eve with the whole family!

  40. I love reading the Christmas STory on Christmas eve

  41. For me, it's all about decorating the Christmas tree! The kids get along, the house has a sweet new smell, and of course, it's pretty!

  42. My favorite tradition is looking at the lights:)

  43. We have christmas eve pizza every year and go look at lights

  44. My favorite Christmas tradition is bringing our two kids to pick out a present for each other! It's always so sweet to see how caring they are for each other and how much time and effort put into finding each other something special :-)

  45. We have a big Christmas Eve party

  46. I really love this giveaway! Thanks for the chance!
    Our favorite Christmas tradition is reading and listening Christmas books/ songs, and making Christmas cookies!
    Thanks again!

    Fiona N

  47. Christmas pajamas on Christmas Eve!


  48. we have a Christmas pickle that Santa hides on the tree. the first to find it Christmas morning gets a prize!

  49. We always go Christmas caroling with the boys''s a great way to make people smile!

  50. I am 30 with a husband and 2 children, and after we open presents at our house we drive over to my moms early Christmas morning and open presents with my brother and sister. Love it!

  51. We love to have a huge dinner christmas eve and then open one present before bed.

  52. I love the evening that we put up the tree, decorate it and then gather around for hot cocoa and carols while watching the light show.

  53. I love waking up Christmas morning, putting gifts for the grandkids under the tree and waiting to see their faces when they arrive.

  54. We always get christmas p.j.'s on christmas eve

  55. To make homemade cookies and open presents on Christmas day.

  56. 5 gifts on christmas morning we have 5 gift before we open all of ours that are all about Christ and his birth, also I love the hunt for baby Jesus the night before.

  57. My favorite tradition is when we all pile in the car to go look at Christmas lights!

  58. Setting up the tree and decorations with the kids and then watching Rudolph

  59. we love to get in the car and look at the lights in the neighborhood etc

  60. Going in the car and driving around to look at all the Christmas decorations and at midnight opening up our presents.

  61. Finding the perfect christmas tree

  62. Decorating the house inside and out, putting up the tree & baking a ton of cookies! :)

  63. reading "'Twas the Night Before Christmas" on Christmas eve right before bed!

  64. I let the kids open a present on Christmas Eve which is their new PJ's.


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