Tuesday, March 3, 2015

Name Graph for Preschoolers

This Name Graph teaches/reinforces so many concepts and is perfect for preschool groups, classrooms, or families!

We have been doing a lot of name activities, so last time we taught our preschool co-op we made this fantastic name graph!

To prepare, I wrote each letter of each child's name on a small piece of paper.  I also prepared the graph by getting a piece of butcher paper about six feet long, numbering the side (y-axis) from 1-9, and placing letters along the bottom (x-axis).

When I pulled the letters out, we played a memory-style game where they turned over each piece of paper looking for the letters in their name.  Once they collected all the letters in their names, they spelled their names on the carpet.

Then I pulled out the graph.  They were so excited to place their letters on that we had to review taking turns!  I called up each letter on the graph, and the kiddos took turns placing their letters on the  grid.

We had a lot of A's and I's.

Once their letters were all in place, we used our graph-reading skills to talk about the most common letters, which letters only showed up once, and how many times each letter appeared all together.

Finally, everyone pointed to the letter their name starts with!

It was a super fun activity, and could easily be adjusted for a larger classroom or a smaller family!

Do you have a favorite name-learning activity?

I may share at any of these parties!

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