Tuesday, December 22, 2015

A Mother's Christmas Treat

This time of year tends to make me more reflective than normal.  And since we have a newborn that wakes up at night I have more time than normal to reflect.  I hope you enjoy this and that you've all had and are having a wonderful holiday season!  And if this really isn't your sort of thing, don't worry--I'll be back to posting printables, activities, and experiments like normal on Saturday!

A Mother's Christmas Treat

by Carla Jansen at Preschool Powol Packets
to my children

Two days till Christmas and
2,000 things to do,
But I find myself at midnight in the dark,
thinking about you.
I hear the Christmas music
and see the twinkling light--
Its shadows dance across the wall,
interrupting the night.
My thoughts dance with them,
spanning space and time--
They cover years and tears, ignoring
ordered rhyme.

I remember the day that you were born,
the gift you were to me,
More beautiful and more precious than any
gift under any tree.
I would hold you, oh so close,
and gaze into your face
And know for sure that a wondrous person
Had come down into this place.

I have watched in great wonder
as wondrous You have grown,
And as I think about it I cannot understand
how those years have up and flown.
How is it you grew
so sure and so fast?
How is it that time continues
to be past?

I look at you,
amazed and impressed,
Of all the people in all the world,
you are, quite simply, the best.
I love you more than you could
ever possibly know,
I love you more than words or deeds could
ever possibly show.

I still hear the music
and see lights on a Christmas tree.
I look at the presents below
and wonder what I want for me.

I think about you, my child,
and the child you'll always be.
I want you to know that you are, and always have been,
more than enough for me.
No matter how old we both will get
These words will always be true:
The very best Christmas treat for me
is simply holding you.

I may share at any of these parties!

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