Friday, May 31, 2013

Summer Fun for Preschoolers Series!!

I am very excited to announce the Summer Fun for Preschoolers Series at Preschool Powol Packets!!

The Summer Fun for Preschoolers Series will begin in exactly one week (June 7th) and continue every Friday in June, July, and the beginning of August!  Guest posters from nine wonderful blogs will share fun, summer-y activities that you can use with your preschoolers during the next few months!  Who are these guest posters?  You will find links to all of them in the left sidebar, under "Summer Fun for Preschoolers Contributors."  Feel free to visit their blogs anytime--they all have fabulous content!

And, at the end of each Summer Fun for Preschoolers post, an ongoing linky will be open for any summer activities you would like to share!  You're welcome to grab the image above and invite any friends to join the party!

Also, I will update this post each week so it will be like an index for the entire series--each new post in the series will be listed right here!

Links to Summer Fun for Preschoolers Posts:

Mark your bloggy calendars now--the fun is about to begin!!

I may share at any of these parties!


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