Monday, July 22, 2013

6 Kids Crafts from Teach Me Tuesday

Welcome back to Teach Me Tuesday!  The summer is just flying by!  I'm so glad you're joining me!  Today I'm going to share six awesome crafts for kids:

Last Week's Most Clicked on Link:

Make sure you stop by these lovely ladies' blogs and try some of their great ideas!  And if you were featured, feel free to grab the featured button from the right sidebar!

Now, for this week's party...

Thank you so much for being here!  I always appreciate your linking up and sharing this party on your blogs and social network sites!  The linky will open at 8:00 pm CST time and remain open until Thursday night!

I may share at any of these parties!


  1. Thanks for featuring our quilt! It was so fun to do, we're planning on something a little more complex next time!

  2. Thank you for featuring our Shoe Print Penguins!!!

  3. Thanks for hosting and featuring our Foil Painting over at Enchanted Homeschooling Mom!

  4. Please note that the penguin foot print craft's link has been changed to: :) Thanks again for featuring our crafty penguins


Thank you for coming by! Comments make my day brighter!