Saturday, July 20, 2013

Song School Spanish Curriculum Giveaway

I am so, so excited to share the Song School Spanish program with you!  I am even more excited that Classical Academic Press is offering one of my readers a chance to win the program too!  Read all the way to the end of this post to enter this fabulous giveaway!

I have been looking for a Spanish curriculum for my children for some time now. At the suggestion of several friends, I began to investigate the Song School Spanish Program.  Their approach is brilliant!  They take advantage of young children's natural energy, enthusiasm, and quickly developing brains to create a fun atmosphere for learning a new language.  I was thrilled when Classical Academic Press agreed to send me the program so I could review it. (See my policies page HERE.)

Song School Spanish is designed for children in Kindergarten through second grade.  It uses songs, chants, games, and stories to lay the foundation for the Spanish language.  The full program comes with a student book (with a CD that has 42 songs/chants), a teacher book, and a set of Spanish matching cards.  It is divided into 30 lessons (or chapters). Each lesson could be taught in a weekly class, but is recommended to be taught in three to four classes (each 10-20 minutes long) throughout the week.  This would make the perfect year-long curriculum!  At the end of the year, your child would know over 100 Spanish words, some conversational Spanish, and be much more confident to continue learning the language!

My six-year old was actually hesitant to begin a Spanish class.  She likes to know she will succeed at something before she begins it, and she has heard people speak Spanish while she did not understand anything.  That fear practically disappeared during our first lesson when I played the Hola Maestra Song and she understood what it meant!

Teaching several short classes during the week is perfect for our schedule.  My children have short attention spans, but are happy to gather for 10-20 minute classes.  The preschoolers join my six-year old for the first part of class: the music, stories, and activities.  Then the younger children play while my daughter does any written work.  After just the first lesson, my three-old started saying, "Adios!" and running away...only to return and announce, "Hola!" over and over.

My six-year old is still learning how to read and spell words in English, so the written part of these Spanish lessons is actually strengthening both her Spanish and English skills.  She absolutely loves the matching game...and I love to see her reading words in two languages!

Classical Academic Press also has additional resources online.  If you visit the Song School Spanish Program page HERE, you will find links to Headventure Land (a website with fun stories, games, and more!), sample Song School Spanish chapters, sample songs, pronunciation MP3s, and bonus songs you can download!

I am so happy with this program that I recommend it without reservation.  I especially love the emphasis on songs that teach useful words and the program's flexibility.  I am also impressed with the information for teachers/parents in the beginning of the books and throughout the Teacher's Edition.

Now, for the part you've been waiting for!

Classical Academic Press is giving one of my readers their own copy of Song School Spanish!  This includes the student manual with the CD, the teacher manual, and the flash cards!  Use the easy Rafflecopter form below!  Entrants are limited to the continental United States, and you may enter until midnight on July 31st, 2013.  Please make sure you have "white-listed" my email--if you are the winning entry, you must respond to my email within 24 hours, or I will choose another winner.  Also, please note that I do verify entries.  Good luck!!

a Rafflecopter giveaway

Disclosure:  I was given a free copy of the Song School Spanish Program; no other compensation was made.  All opinions are 100% mine.  I will only recommend products or host giveaways for products that I believe in 100%!

I may share at any of these parties!


  1. I love that it incorporates music into learning a foreign language!

  2. I love that it uses music to help kids learn 1

  3. I love the hands on approach of using songs and games to appeal to a child's natural learning style. This looks amazing. I hope I win it for my daughter.

  4. My girls love singing everything so this will definitely be a great program for them!

  5. Would love this! Haven't chosen a foreign language course and this looks like so much fun!

  6. The characters look so friendly and the program looks very well done. This will be a huge blessing to any who wins. Thanks!

  7. I really like that the program seems easy to teach as well as fun to learn. And, I'm sure my little guy would love the songs!

  8. I love that it uses music and helps teach to auditory learners as well. I think this is especially important for younger learners to hear the language.

  9. I love it includes a musical CD featuring the vocabulary from each chapter.

  10. My daughter is so musical and just sings around the house all day long. I'm sure she could easily pick up some basic Spanish if learned through song!

  11. I love that it's musical! My little guy loves music and he is an audio learner so this would be wonderful to win!

  12. My friend Tracey reviewed your curriculum and from what I see on your site, I'm excited about this giveaway. My 4 year old has memorized some very complicated hard memory work with song, so I know the power of song for memory. I can't wait to win that for optimistic?!

  13. The use of music. That's how my kids learn best!

  14. I am so excited about having a program that uses music. But more excited that it has been used with Latin so it is an already tried out method.

  15. The most exciting part has to be the music! My kids (and myself) learn things almost instantly when set to music!

  16. I have been looking for a Spanish language program for my son. I would love to try this one out.

  17. I LOVE the idea of the songs! I am a big believer in using songs to teach new concepts.

  18. I like that some of it is put to song. I think singing really helps children learn.

  19. I am most excited about the use of music... I think that will really help my daughter, who is very drawn to music.

  20. I love that it uses music to help teach kids Spanish. My son thrives when music is used to teach him any subject! thanks for the chance!

  21. I love the great variety of activities included.

  22. I love that it's to music. My children learn so quickly when something is in song!

  23. Children so love music, the Song School Spanish CD gives them the opportunity to enjoy what they are learning.

  24. I like that it's broken into 30 weeks... and I love the online aspect as well! :)

  25. I love that this program is musical, because my son just absorbs information like a sponge when it's presented through songs and music!

  26. Love the music cd included to reinforce the vocabulary words!

  27. We are looking for a program, other than Rosetta for my youngest! Thanks for the awesome review!!

  28. I love how it uses music. It really seems to make learning fun, especially for the younger kids!

  29. I've been looking for a Spanish curriculum that would be good for my little creative boys. I think this would hold their attention really well :)

  30. I really like that I would be able to use this with all my kids. Anything that keeps us together is a great bonus in our homeschooling!

  31. Love the cds for on the go practice.

  32. I like that they use music. I think that will help out the learning process.

  33. thanks for sharing this with me. I will have to look into it for my son:-)

  34. My favorite thing is how it makes it fun and entertaining!

  35. I like that there is handwriting practice.

  36. I have been looking at foriegn language programs. I like this one. It is colorful and looks entertaining!

  37. What an exciting program! I love that spanish is being introduced to children 1st-3rd grade and being done in such a fun way, through song. I'm sure the kids love it and I would love to introduce this program to my granddaughter!

  38. This is the place to go for exciting, fun, and sometimes downright silly ways to practice Spanish. Sounds so fun and exciting!

    toni marie caravello feimer

  39. i like that there is music, colors, flashcards and all that stuff that kids respond well to!

  40. I like the extra Headventureland site that is included, the kids love computer games/activities

  41. Would love to have this for the kids.

  42. I love that it incorporates so much music.

  43. I love that it uses music and games to help younger children learn a new language.

  44. I love how the program is caters to a child's short attention span. Therefore, the child and parent are able to have an awesome time learning and sharing music, stories, & various activities. Sounds like a great program and fun time.
    :)Jeanne B.T.

  45. Using music to teach Spanish is brilliant!

  46. I love that it incorporates music into the curriculum! As a former Pre K teacher I used to use a LOT of music when teaching :)

  47. I love that it incorporates music into the curriculum! As a former Pre K teacher I used to use a LOT of music when teaching :)

  48. I love that it incorporates music into the curriculum! As a former Pre K teacher I used to use a LOT of music when teaching :)

  49. I've heard so much about this! I'd love to win this to incorporate it in to our homeschool day.

  50. I love that it is interactive ... a big plus for kids that age.

  51. I love that it teaches through song. My son picks up music very quickly!

  52. I love that it teaches through song. My son picks up music very quickly!

  53. I would love to try to win this! We have Peruvians who work for us & my boys are always trying to communicate with them. I My kids have been trying to learn Spanish all on their own & I think this would be the perfect way to increase that & help them succeed! I am crossing my fingers.

  54. I love that it uses music. My children really pick things up if it is set to music.

  55. We have used, and loved, Song School Latin! I think that Song School Spanish would be a wonderful extension for my boys, and help them as we live in an area with many Spanish speakers. Thanks for the chance to win! :)

  56. I love that this uses music to teach Spanish to kids!

  57. I love that this uses music to teach Spanish to kids!

  58. I like that it uses music. I think that's a good way to help kids learn!


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