
Showing posts from July, 2011

Sample Summer Schedule for Home Child Care

Children love routine.  They may not be able to say as much, but they appreciate knowing what will happen next in their day.  Imagine what goes through the mind of a 2-year old as his day progresses.  He is constantly being told what to do and what to not do.  He likes knowing what he is going to do next.  Routines and schedules help young children transition better and mind better.  They complain and cry less.  Scheduled routines make everyone's day less stressful and more fun. You can use this schedule in a Home Day Care or just for your family.  And, of course, you can always adjust to better suit your needs.   Each transition should be accompanied with its own mini-routine.  For example, Snack would include the following: wash hands, spread paper towels, eat snack and visit, clean up snack, and wash hands again. Arrival/wake-up-7:30     Free Play 7:30-8:00       Breakfast 8:00-9:00       Outdoor Play 9:00-10:00     School Time 10:00-10:30   Snack 10:30-