Preschool Themes - Crafts, Science Experiments, & More!!
Welcome to my "bookshelf" full of free preschool themes!
Each preschool theme includes science projects and math, literacy, and craft activities and ideas...and many more!! Some have themed snacks, STEM projects, science experiments, printables, and loads of other resources.
Be sure to bookmark or pin this page...I am constantly adding to it!!
Themes are my favorite way to learn and play with preschoolers because themes or units help them integrate new information, remember better, and learn faster. (Click here to read more about how preschoolers learn.) I'm in the process of grouping our preschool activities together into themes to make it more convenient for you to use in planning too!
And if you're brainstorming for theme ideas, click here for a list of 52 themes that preschoolers love!!
You can scroll through the collection (they're generally alphabetical) or hold down the "ctrl" key and type "f" to search for a particular topic!
To go to a specific preschool theme, just click on the image or the title below the images!
Preschool Rock Activities
Each preschool theme includes science projects and math, literacy, and craft activities and ideas...and many more!! Some have themed snacks, STEM projects, science experiments, printables, and loads of other resources.
Be sure to bookmark or pin this page...I am constantly adding to it!!
Themes are my favorite way to learn and play with preschoolers because themes or units help them integrate new information, remember better, and learn faster. (Click here to read more about how preschoolers learn.) I'm in the process of grouping our preschool activities together into themes to make it more convenient for you to use in planning too!
And if you're brainstorming for theme ideas, click here for a list of 52 themes that preschoolers love!!
You can scroll through the collection (they're generally alphabetical) or hold down the "ctrl" key and type "f" to search for a particular topic!
To go to a specific preschool theme, just click on the image or the title below the images!
Snow & Snowman Preschool Theme
Preschool Sports Theme
Preschool Valentines Theme
I would love to hear back from you if you use these preschool science project and activity themes! It takes a ton of work to put them together and I'd love to know which science experiments or activities you use and how you like them!
And I have more coming soon! Do you have a topic you'd like to see a preschool theme on? Let me know! These are some we're working on already:
All About Me * Arctic & Antarctic * Birds * Bubbles * Cars, Trucks, & Airplanes * Child-led Curriculum * Chinese New Year * Crocodiles & Alligators * Early Reading Skills * Education & Philosophy * Eggs * Frogs & Ponds * Groundhog Day * Halloween * Insects & Bugs * Ladybugs * Moon & Space * New Year * Nuts & Bolts * Patriotic * Pirates * Plants * Fall * Robots & Electricity * Rockets * Service * Snails * Snakes * Spiders * Spring * St. Patrick's Day * Thanksgiving * Volcanoes * Winter/Ice *
Happy Educating,

I may share at any of these parties!
