Marshmallow Fireworks, Holiday Memories, & Sprout's MOMents
I am thrilled to be joining with Sprout's MOMents to talk about holiday memories and share our Marshmallow Fireworks!! As parents we want the holidays to be full of happy, memorable events, but sometimes we get moments like this or this It's easy to forget that these little moments can be the most exciting for our kiddos! And really, it's not that hard to wash paint off of their little arms. Or sweep the floor. Or wipe up spilled milk. Again. I asked my children and the children I watch about their favorite things to do with their parents. Their answers were full of a variety of ideas...everything from playing truck games to eating at restaurants with toys! The one thing they all had in common, though, was they involved doing something. Preschoolers need to do things. Sometimes, the best memories you can make will be just sitting down and playing with your children. Sometimes, it is fun to do something new.