Preschool Music and Active Movement: Crocodile Theme
For our Preschool Music & Active Movement class this week, we focused on Crocodile songs! These songs and activities would also go great with a pond or river theme! Here is the outline I used to teach our 45-minute class for 3-4 year olds. In addition to our preschoolers, we usually have a couple younger and older brothers and sisters join in too. ;) 1- Gathering time: play with musical instruments bin. 2- Welcome Song. We usually do this with puppets--it makes a pretty smooth transition to clean up the gathering instruments and go and get a puppet. This time, I introduced my special friend, Cami ( a 3-foot long crocodile puppet)! 3- When I Sing LaLaLa by Janeen Brady. We do this and the welcome song with puppets: 4- I introduced the theme and we talked about crocodiles and what the kids know about crocodiles already. Then I pulled out the crocodile's friends: an orangutan (we had to use a stuffed gorilla), an eagle, a fish, a