The Ooblek Song
Last week we read Bartholomew and the Oobleck, made some ooblek, and sang The Ooblek Song. My kids loved The Ooblek Song. My 4-year old insisted we put it on YouTube. I resisted. After a couple days, though, I decided that if my kids loved it so much, maybe others could enjoy it too. The repetitive phrases and change in pacing have my kids totally addicted--they've been singing it for a full week! So, I'm sharing it here. You can watch it on YouTube or here on this blog. Below the video is a copy of the lyrics.
The Ooblek Song
The magicians said, "It's not like rain,
Not like snow,
Not like fog,"
The magicians said,
"It's not like rain,
But what it is we just don't know!"
Ooblek! Ooblek! Ooblek!
But what it is we just don't know!
The King of Didd did not want rain,
Not want snow,
Not want fog.
The King of Didd did not want rain,
But what he did he did not know!
Ooblek! Ooblek! Ooblek!
But what he did he did not know!
The King, he said some magic words,
Magic words,
Magic words.
The King, he said some magic words,
And then watched that ooblek Go! Go! Go!
Ooblek! Ooblek! Ooblek!
And then watched that ooblek Go! Go! Go!
