Thursday, August 9, 2012

Olympic High Jumps for Children!!

The Olympics is such a fun, positive competition for kids and adults alike!  My kids have loved participating, even as a viewers!  We've also had fun letting them host a few Olympic events themselves, like the High Jump.

If you haven't watched the High Jump (and especially the winning jumps), you will want to do that first.  Even my 2-year old has enjoyed watching these reruns and highlights!  Ask your child how high he or she can jump, then let the games begin!

Instead of jumping over a bar, tie a large, 12" balloon to a broom stick.  Twist the broom part off, so you just have the balloon and stick, as pictured above.  Hold it in front of your child and have your child hit the balloon.  Raise it a foot and see if your child can jump that high.  Raise it again!  Keep playing and take turns until everyone is done.  Afterwards, let your child invent a few more games with the "balloon stick!"

The best part about these Olympic High Jumps for Children is that it's an active, engaging physical activity...whether or not it's Olympic season!

I may share at any of these parties!


  1. Great idea! Love that they can do the High Jump without having to go over the bar.

  2. Thanks, Keitha! They spent many days doing it over and over...even though they were just jumping up and hitting the balloon!

  3. What a fun game to play! Thank you for sharing at our
    Pinteresting Party!


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