Fizzing Rainbow Easter Eggs Science Experiment!!
Easter is around the corner and this fizzing rainbow Easter egg science experiments pops a whole new festive and fun side into the season!! Kids will love this colorful science project.
Our fizzing dinosaur eggs are always popular this time of year, but this particular spring we have a lot more girls around our house than we have in the past. They're pretty much in love with rainbow colors! Actually, even my boy has had a lot of fun with our rainbow projects! (If you've missed them, be sure to check out the rainbow volcano, sparkly fizzing rainbow, edible rainbow playdough, and sparkly button rainbow!) We decided to mix our recent rainbow obsession with our love of fizzy projects and the Easter/Spring season! The result was fantastic!! Our kids wanted to repeat the experiment almost immediately! I think next time we will be adding sparkles too!
Making your own fizzing rainbow Easter eggs is super easy! You just need these
Simple Supplies:
* baking soda
* water
* food coloring
* vinegar
* pan or dishes
* pipettes (optional, but great fun and excellent fine motor exercise!)
Easy How To:
1- Mix about 1/3 cup baking soda, 1 tablespoon water, and 3-8 drops of food coloring for each color of egg you want. More food coloring gives you more vibrant colors. If your mixture is too dry to stick together, add a few more drops of water. If it is to wet, add more baking soda.
2- Mix each color together thoroughly and roll into Easter eggs! I considered hiding a yellow pompom inside each egg, but decided that it would be just as fun (and a lot cleaner, lol!) without it! I made 2-3 eggs in each color.
3- Set the eggs up like a rainbow in a pan!
3- Give your kiddos a pipette and a cup with vinegar in it, and let them start the fizzing!!
Depending on your children's age and interest, you can talk about lots of science topics with this activity! Some ideas include (but are definitely not limited to) reactions, rainbows, color mixing, solids and liquids, dissolving, and acids and bases.
As we played, I had even more ideas! You could easily pop these inside a plastic Easter egg, hide them, go on a hunt to find them, and then have a fizzing party afterwards! It's an instant sugar-free, fun egg-hunt & activity!
What would you do with fizzy rainbow-colored Easter eggs? Do you have another favorite egg-themed science project or activity for the spring/Easter season? I'd love to hear all about your fun science experiments!!

I may share at any of these parties!

Be well!
I know what we're doing this weekend haha
I can also see my fiancé begin to shiver at the mess we're going to make! :)
Have any more things like this?? I'm going to look around your site. We love science things like this!