Rainbow Cupcakes!
Rainbow cupcakes can make any occasion special, especially for preschoolers!
5. Cook according to your recipe instructions! Cool completely and frost! Then get ready for squeals of delight when they open up their surprise rainbow cupcakes!!
We made our rainbow cupcakes for our Cars Party (more on that is coming next week!), and we had so much fun with just the cupcakes that I decided to share them with you in its own post!
You will need these
Simple Supplies:
* white cake batter
* food coloring
* cupcake pan and liners
* spoons
* toothpick
Easy How-to:
1. Pour your white cake batter into 3-6 different bowls, depending on how many colors you want in your rainbow cupcakes.
2. Add food coloring to each bowl and stir very well to make the colors you want in your cupcakes. (Hint: Gel food coloring works better than liquid food coloring!)
3. Spoon a small amount of each color into each cupcake liner.
4. Use a toothpick to gently swirl, two times, through all the colors together.
5. Cook according to your recipe instructions! Cool completely and frost! Then get ready for squeals of delight when they open up their surprise rainbow cupcakes!!
What's your favorite rainbow treat?
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I may share at any of these parties!
