BIG News & Gender Reveal Volcano Science Experiment!!
I suppose with a title like "Gender Reveal Volcano Science Experiment," you can guess what the BIG news is...but I'm going to tell you anyway! We told the kids, too - with a science project!
I don't usually share a lot of personal information here at Preschool Powol Packets, but this is the kind of big, exciting news that affects our blog! You see, everything that happens here (on the blog, Facebook page, Pinterest, Instagram, Twitter, and newsletters) is put together by me and my family. And our family is growing!!
We're having a baby in October!!
Everyone is super excited!! To build on that excitement, I wanted to have a special gender-reveal party for the kids. We're a little obsessed with fizzing experiments, so a volcano seemed like a natural way to get everyone involved! I remembered seeing a similar idea last year, and it only took a minute to find Teaching Mama's post with their volcano! (By the way, you should totally check out her sensory activities...she has loads of fun ideas!)
Anyways, we covered the table with butcher paper and put a giant question mark on it!
The kids helped me mix up a quick batch of salt dough and covered a vase with our white "mystery" volcano! My son added the little man to the volcano!
I sent the kids out of the room while I filled the vase about 1/3 full of colored vinegar and a squirt of dish soap. I added a final tissue over the top to cover that colored vinegar!
I made baking soda packets for this gender reveal science project by wrapping about a tablespoon of baking soda in 1-ply (1-ply is very important!) toilet paper. We didn't actually have 1-ply, so I just separated 2-ply tissue to make it 1-ply. :)
The kids all came back. They could hardly wait to find out the news!
A red explosion would be a baby girl and a blue explosion would be a baby boy.
They all put their packets in at the same time for our "boy or girl?" science experiment:
Kaboom!! It's a girl!!
Have you ever had a gender-reveal activity? I'd love to hear about it!!

I may share at any of these parties!
