Rubber Band Sling Shot LEGO Car!
What is the craziest thing you've done in a car? That was only part of our discussion during this Dr. Seuss-inspired science activity! Launching this LEGO car is one of the most fun things we've done all day! I love that it is powered by a rubber band sling shot and inspired by Dr. Seuss!

Do you love Dr. Seuss books? We do! And we've been doing science activities that relate to the books to celebrate Dr. Seuss's birthday this year!
You can also find over 150 science and STEM projects here!
This rubber band sling shot LEGO car is also a great indoor activity on a bad-weather day! Today, the early elementary blogging team is bringing you a collection of indoor activities! Be sure to visit these lovely ladies for more indoor activity ideas:
Insect Addition to 100 Free Printable from Life Over C's
Melted Crayon Science {Phases of Matter} from School Time Snippets
Fine Motor Paper Clip Math from Sugar Aunts
How to Play Mum-Ball: A Game for Indoor Recess from Kelly’s Classroom
Spelling Sensory Sink from Still Playing School
Rubber Band Sling Shot LEGO Car from Preschool Powol Packets
Construction Photo Build Challenge from Parenting Chaos
In the classic Dr. Seuss book Green Eggs and Ham, Sam invites the main character to taste green eggs and ham in a car. "Would you, could you, in a car?"
After we talked about different parts of the book, I challenged my daughter to make a car that moves with LEGOs and rubber bands. Of course, to make it even more challenging our LEGO bin is full of LEGO pieces, K'Nex pieces, and Mega-Bloks pieces. This amazing creation is what she came up with.
You can see a close up of the front in the top picture of this post. You can launch it by pulling on the rubber band, aiming the car, and letting it take off. Or, she also showed me how you could wrap the free end around your foot, pull the car back, and let it fly!
You can make one too! It's super easy. She explained to me:
You just build a normal car--almost any design will work--and then you attach the rubber band underneath it. The launcher is ready!
I have a short video that shows it flying down the kitchen floor, but until I get that ready to publish, you will just have to settle with these pictures! Here is one more showing the bottom of the car attached to the rubber bands:
And, it could easily be used as a STEM project:
Science: Newtons's 3rd Law
Technology: Making videos of launches
Engineering: Building a car of LEGOs
Math: Mental math done to create the car. Also, the distance covered in each launch was calculated mentally and compared with other launches verbally.
We loved this inspired-by-Dr. Seuss science activity! It went wonderfully with Green Eggs and Ham, though you could use it with several other of his books too!
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Do you love Dr. Seuss books? We do! And we've been doing science activities that relate to the books to celebrate Dr. Seuss's birthday this year!
You can also find over 150 science and STEM projects here!
This rubber band sling shot LEGO car is also a great indoor activity on a bad-weather day! Today, the early elementary blogging team is bringing you a collection of indoor activities! Be sure to visit these lovely ladies for more indoor activity ideas:
Insect Addition to 100 Free Printable from Life Over C's
Melted Crayon Science {Phases of Matter} from School Time Snippets
Fine Motor Paper Clip Math from Sugar Aunts
How to Play Mum-Ball: A Game for Indoor Recess from Kelly’s Classroom
Spelling Sensory Sink from Still Playing School
Rubber Band Sling Shot LEGO Car from Preschool Powol Packets
Construction Photo Build Challenge from Parenting Chaos

I may share at any of these parties!
