Fizzing Green Eggs Science Experiment for Preschool
No, you cannot eat these "green eggs," but they make a super fun preschool science project and go great with Dr. Seuss, St. Patrick's Day, and Spring/Easter themes! Your kids will love all the color and fizzing action in this science project.
I made our green eggs to do as a science activity after we read Dr. Seuss's Green Eggs and Ham.
My youngest preschooler is still practicing making a pipette work, so this was excellent fine motor exercise for her too! What do you do with the green eggs? Simple! Place them in a bed of white "egg whites" (baking soda) and let your kiddos make them fizz! Fizzing green eggs!! What more could you want?!!
How do you make these fun green eggs for your preschooler's science moment? Easy! Simply mix 1/2 cup of baking soda with 9 drops of food coloring and 1 tablespoon of water. You should have a soft dough that holds together when you squeeze it, but falls apart if any extra pressure is added. Form your dough into four balls--your brilliant "green eggs!"
Give them to your preschoolers with a cup of vinegar and pippettes so they can make their own fizzy green eggs!
Let your children experiment with different amounts of vinegar and baking soda. If you're feeling really brave, you can let them add more food coloring! When we do this with my youngest preschoolers, we explain by simply saying that the baking soda and vinegar are reacting! Look at the bubbles! Or, if they're really young, "the eggs and the vinegar are reacting!" As the children get older we add in a few more words: "Look at the reaction! Do you see the carbon dioxide bubbles? What is making carbon dioxide in here?" (the vinegar and baking soda reacting)
As they finish experimenting with the vinegar, baking soda, green eggs, and pipettes, they may want to experiment with other things. Remember preschoolers are natural scientists and love to learn about their world! (Click here to read more about how preschoolers' brains work!) Our kiddos wanted to dump a bit more baking soda and vinegar together...and touch it!
We are celebrating Dr. Seuss's birthday with a countdown featuring fun preschool science activities inspired by Dr. Seuss's classic books! Click here to see the growing collection, then be sure to check back again soon for more ideas!
I also have a HUGE collection of over 150 science projects and activities! You will have so much fun trying out all these great science experiments!
And while you're following links, be sure to see what other members of the STEM/Science Saturday Team have been up to! I think you'll love these ideas:
Frosty Homemade Ice Cream from The Science Kiddo
Math Inspired Creative Drawing Ideas for Kids from Handmade Kids Art
Magnetic Slime Science Play from Little Bins for Little HandsColor Mixing with Play Dough from Lemon Lime Adventures
Happy Educating,
Dinosaur Made Me Sneeze!
This awesome book introduces the rock cycle with dinosaurs, volcanoes, and more!
(hint: You can buy it on Amazon or use the code Dinosaur25 at!!)
