Icy Preschool Valentine Science Experiment
This preschool Valentine science project is a variation on one of our favorite science experiments, and it is super easy, requires virtually no preparation, is excellent fine motor exercise, and is gorgeously fun!
I also really loved that it was something our preschooler and toddler could enjoy together...it reaches both of them right on their developmental level!
I also have lots of Valentine science and other learning activities in our Preschool Valentine Theme here!!
Preschool Valentine Science:
* ice cubes
* food coloring or liquid watercolors (pink, purple, and blue look very Valentine-y!)
* optional: pipettes (if you're using liquid watercolors)
* salt in a salt shaker
Easy How To:
1- Arrange your ice cubes like a heart! (Yep, that's fancy Valentine planning from me!) :)
I like to do melting activities in pyrex because it is super easy to clean and the kids can easily see what is happening in the experiment.
I like to do melting activities in pyrex because it is super easy to clean and the kids can easily see what is happening in the experiment.
2- Give your kiddos the supplies and let them get to work melting the icy heart! You can discuss how the ice lowers the freezing point of water (so it melts faster) and the food coloring lets you see the melted tunnels and pathways through the ice as it melts!

Look at that fine motor squeezing action!

Look at that fine motor squeezing action!

The kids asked for spoons to stir everything together...
3- When you're done, simply wash all your colored icy water down the sink and throw away the pipettes.
We're doing this science project to go with the Virtual Book Club's Valentine theme this month! For all the live excitement, visit the Weekly Virtual Book Club Facebook Page! Check out our featured book (Amazon affiliate image below), and the science experiments from our VBC's co-hosts below!
This book is adorable! I play similar "games" with my kids, so I especially love seeing it in a cute little board book!
Here are more preschool Valentine activities from our co-hosts:
Icy Preschool Valentine Science - Preschool Powol Packets (You are here!!)
And if you're looking for more science Valentine activities, this Valentine STEM Challenge is always super popular!
And, here is our collection of Valentine themed learning activities! It could keep you busy for a whole week!!
Happy Educating,
I may share at any of these parties!

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