Preschool STEM - 10 Days of Fun!
Happening Now...
I am very excited to be bringing you 10 days of STEM projects that you can do with your preschoolers in June!
Each day I will share tips, pictures, and fun ideas that will keep your preschoolers engaged and help them develop STEM skills that will provide a foundation for learning for the rest of their lives!
Here is the schedule:
Day 2: Boats
Day 3: Cups & Craft Stick Castles
Day 4: Box Ramps
Day 5: Mixed Media Collage Art
Day 6: Button Board Art
Day 7: Trains & Magnets
Day 8: Dinosaur City
Day 9: Fossil Hunt
Day 10: Photography & Puppets
Be sure to check back each day (starting on June 4th), because I will link each preschool STEM project to this list above. Then you can just click on each day to see all the details!
You can also join my STEM Activities & Projects for Kids group on Facebook for live encouragement and prizes...yes, I'll have prizes for anyone who wants to join me for a STEM Challenge from June 3-14!
You can also join my STEM Activities & Projects for Kids group on Facebook for live encouragement and prizes...yes, I'll have prizes for anyone who wants to join me for a STEM Challenge from June 3-14!
In addition, I will be joining several other bloggers who are bringing you a 10 day series that are all designed to make your life easier! You will find curricula, printables, inspiration, and more! Check them out below:
Happy Educating,

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