Preschool Teacher Training: CCEI's 35+ Certificate Programs to Take this Summer
Are you a preschool teacher, administrator, director, or owner? If so, then summer is the perfect time to obtain professional development training!
Today I'm excited to feature the training programs that ChildCare Education Institute offers ECE professionals! They are perfect if you need to earn a CDA or really any professional development certification for that matter! In fact, their high-quality online training courses are applicable to anyone who works with young children, whether you're in a child care center, homeschool, Head Start, family child care, preschool, after-school programs, and more!
I have personally taken several courses from ChildCare Education Institute (they have over 150 courses!) and loved every one! The website is easy to use, the courses are engaging and relevant, and customer service is super friendly. I have been recommending them to everyone! (I'm not the only one...99% of their users say they'd recommend them too!)
It is simply the best way I have seen to take professional development courses and earn certifications! I think you will love it too! Some of my favorites are LIT102: Building Literacy Through Nursery Rhymes and Children's Poetry and CCEI122: Active Learning in Early Childhood. I learned so much from them! Check out my reviews on LIT102: Building Literacy Through Nursery Rhymes and Children's Poetry and CCEI122: Active Learning in Early Childhood today! If you're looking to further your ECE professional development and certifications, then I recommend you try them..
My favorite thing about courses from ChildCare Education Institute is that you can take them at your convenience online! Their website has everything you need for the courses including the lessons, assessments, and printable certificates! It is absolutely the most user-friendly way to stay current in your field, get the training and IACET CEU credits you might need, and do it all on your own schedule.
Before I sign up for any professional development training, I want to know if I can obtain IACET CEU credit and if the provider is accredited. So, I imagine you will be happy to know that ChildCare Education Institute is accredited by the Distance Education Accrediting Commisssion (DEAC) and is accredited as an Authorized Provider by the International Association for Continuing Education and Training (IACET).
ChildCare Education Institute offers more than 35 certificate programs, including these popular programs:
* Self Study CDA Certificate & Renewals
* Early Childhood Credential
* Director's Certificate (also available in state specific for FL, GA, and TX)
* Infant-Toddler Certificate
* Florida Child Care Professional Credential (FCCPC) & Renewals
* NECPA National Administrator Credential ® (NAC) ® Certificate
* Health and Hygiene Certificate
* Inclusion and Special Needs Certificate
* Mandated Reporter Certificate
* and many more
They have over 150+ courses in English and Spanish and many whole certificate programs offered in Spanish too!
Are you in good hands with you online provider? The numbers really speak for themselves with CCEI. They have graduated over 13,000 students from their CDA and other certificate programs!
ChildCare Education Institute is a Council for Professional Recognition CDA Gold Standard Training provider and their CDA certification program is amazing! Students are assigned a personal Education Coach to guidde them through the program, the entire certification program can be obtained online, and they even have assistance available for completing the credential application with the CDA Council. This is extra helpful if you live in Florida (or other similar states), where daycare centers have to have one (or more, depending on how many children you have) credentialed providers(s).
The Self Study CDA Certificate meets the 120 clock hours of professional development required by The Council for Professional Recognition in order to obtain the National CDA Credential. The CDA online training program is comprised of eight Instructional Units. These units focus on the six CDA Competency Standards established by The Council for Professional Recognition.
You can also articulate courses that you take through ChildCare Education Institute towards a degree program. Want to learn more? Check out these short videos of CCEI's top certificate programs like the CDA and FCCPC today!
Students love CCEI because they offer such an extensive course list and have in-depth programs for CDA, FCCPC, and Director's Certificate.
Plus, did you know 49 states accept CCEI coursework? Some staff training material for child care certification courses may differ by state or local regulatory agencies and other compliance organizations. Some jurisdictions also limit the number of courses per day or course hours that will be recognized for licensing or other child care requirements.
See if your state accepts CCEI's IACET CEUs for the coursework you complete by clicking here.
As summer comes to an end, now is the time to advance your professional development and try these amazing courses at CCEI. Don't wait! Enroll now! I'm so glad I did!
Disclosure: This article is sponsored by Child Care Education Institute. As always, you get my real opinions, and I only recommend companies that I love!
Happy Educating,

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