Wednesday, February 19, 2020

2020 STEM Homeschool Conference Schedule!

The 2020 STEM Homeschool Conference is in just under two weeks! I am SO excited about it!! I've had some sneak previews of the sessions as I've been organizing them, and they are AMAZING!!

If you haven't had a chance to "meet" the speakers, hop over HERE and get to know them. They are incredible people with inspiring stories and motivational backgrounds! Among them you will find master teachers, experienced homeschoolers, museum educators, and more! I am truly honored to work with them all this year!

Today, I'm going to share the presentation schedule!

Attending a conference can sometimes feel like drinking from a firehose--you want to learn and do everything! Fortunately, we've designed this one so that you can listen to everyone you want to, and there is no pressure to rush through them all!  Once you register you get lifetime access to these sessions!

We will be releasing the sessions one day at a time to encourage attendees to visit with each other and share what you've learned and what your favorite parts are!  Tonight I'm sharing the schedule so you can plan which sessions you will want to watch first!

On Tuesday, March 3rd, anyone registered can access the following conference sessions:

On Wednesday, March 4th, anyone registered can access all of Tuesdays classes AND the following new ones:

On Thursday, March 5th, anyone registered can access all the previous sessions AND the following new releases:

Your registration includes so much!! You get...

* life-time access to all the sessions!
* handouts that go with many of the sessions!
* a digital "swag bag" with unit studies, printable resources, exclusive coupons, and more!
* a "live" FB conference group with daily giveaways, conversation, and support!
* a "live" FB vendor group with amazing resources and games!
* and more!

You can REGISTER HERE or click the image below!

Happy Educating,

Have you seen HEEP? It is a preschool homeschool curriculum! Learn more here!

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