Christmas Science for Kids E-book
25 Christmas Science
Projects for Kids
Projects for Kids

Now Available!!
25 Christmas Science Projects for Kids combines my favorite season with my favorite subject to bring you 25 fun Christmas-y ways to explore your world with your kids!
* Make snow!
* Erupt Christmas Colors!
* Discover what Christmas plant is a natural pH indicator!
* Experiment with Christmas lights!
* Grow crystal icicles!
* Make Santa Boogers (aka red slime)!
* Explore the antics of ice!
...and so much more!!
Each project includes a full color picture, a supply list, simple step-by-step instructions, fun extension ideas, and a little science explanation.
In the sample page below you can see all five sections (picture, supply list, instructions, extensions, and science).
You can use the ideas in this E-book to set up centers in a classroom, present memorable demonstrations, or as a Christmas-themed science curriculum. Let older children follow the directions themselves (with appropriate supervision, of course!) or experience the fun memories that come from experimenting with young children! You could even print the entire book (33 pages), bind it, gather up the supplies, and give a homemade "Science Kit" to your favorite budding scientist for Christmas!
The activities and science in this book are designed to captivate the attention of children 3-10 years old. They are meant to be carried out with supervision, and are just as much fun for adults as they are for children! Your teens may even enjoy teaching a lesson to a younger sibling!
25 Christmas Science Projects for Kids is a unique compilation of fun and festive science projects--I hope you and your children have a ton of fun with it!
What are others saying about it? Check below to see!
"We could not get enough!" ~ Lemon Lime Adventures
What are others saying about it? Check below to see!
"We could not get enough!" ~ Lemon Lime Adventures
And the best part? It's only $4.99!!
You can get your copy by clicking on the button below:

Also available on HERE to go to Amazon!