Handprint Flowers
These handprint flowers are perfect for spring, summer, Mother's Day, or other gifts!
2. After the paint dries, flip the plates back over and trace 1-2 handprints on the plate. Cut these out for your kiddos.
Besides being super cute, handprint flowers are a fantastic toddler or preschooler craft! Plus, they preserve the size of those little hands long after they are not so little anymore! As an extra bonus, creating them is a fine motor exercise, art project, and science lesson (color mixing)!
To make your own handprint flowers, you will need these
Simple Supplies:
* straws
* paper plates
* ribbon
* paint
* scissors
* tape
Easy How To:
1. Flip the plates upside down and let your kiddos cover it with finger paints! I like to let them choose what colors they want out of red, yellow, and blue. That way, as they mix the colors still look great!
2. After the paint dries, flip the plates back over and trace 1-2 handprints on the plate. Cut these out for your kiddos.
3. Let your kiddos choose a straw color and tape it to their handprint flowers. If your straws have "bendy necks," you may want to cut them off so the flowers don't bend.
4. Tie a ribbon on the flowers and...ta da! All done! Gorgeous handprint flowers! You can pop them in a vase, plant them in a flower pot, give them to a parent, teacher, or grandparent, or plant them in a "garden" on your wall! So many options!!
Do you love handprint crafts? I'd love to see your favorites!
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