Metamorphic Rock Model Science Science Experiment
Use this metamorphic rock model science experiment to demonstrate how metamorphic rocks are formed and how they are different than sedimentary rocks and igneous rocks! It's a colorful, fun science project.
I am really enjoying sharing all the activities we did for our Geology Rocks! Unit! I have already posted about our sedimentary rocks lesson (with experiments) , igneous rocks lesson, and Rocks & Soil lesson. I still have a few lessons left!
Before we did this experiment, we talked about how metamorphic rocks are created by intense heat and pressure inside the Earth. The activity covers this, but I find that it is most effective to teach kids by telling them what you will teach them, teaching them, and then reviewing what they just learned.
For this metamorphic rock model science experiment, you will need the following
Simple Supplies:
* aluminum foil
* crayons--2 in different colors for each child
* heat source--hot plate, strong lighter, or a hair blower work best
Easy How To:
1- Unwrap the crayons. Have your kiddos do it--it's great fine motor exercise!
2- Lay two crayons of different colors next to each other on the aluminum foil.
3- Apply heat. Make sure you supervise this closely so your children are safe. ONLY apply enough heat to make the crayons soft and pliable. If you melt them, you've modeled igneous rocks! :D This represents the heat from under the Earth softening rocks.
4- Turn the heat off and wrap the foil tightly around the crayons. Again, supervise this closely so your children are safe. Smash the crayons together as tightly as you can! This represents pressure from inside the Earth crushing rocks.
5- Unwrap the crayons and repeat steps 3 and 4 several times, until you have a new metamorphic rock!
6- Compare it to your original two crayons. How is the metamorphic rock different? How is it the same?
Our kids wanted to touch and try coloring with their new metamorphic rocks after this science experiment. These are great ideas! How else can you experiment with it? What would your science project be?
I am really enjoying sharing all the activities we did for our Geology Rocks! Unit! I have already posted about our sedimentary rocks lesson (with experiments) , igneous rocks lesson, and Rocks & Soil lesson. I still have a few lessons left!
Before we did this experiment, we talked about how metamorphic rocks are created by intense heat and pressure inside the Earth. The activity covers this, but I find that it is most effective to teach kids by telling them what you will teach them, teaching them, and then reviewing what they just learned.
For this metamorphic rock model science experiment, you will need the following
Simple Supplies:
* aluminum foil
* crayons--2 in different colors for each child
* heat source--hot plate, strong lighter, or a hair blower work best
Easy How To:
1- Unwrap the crayons. Have your kiddos do it--it's great fine motor exercise!
2- Lay two crayons of different colors next to each other on the aluminum foil.
3- Apply heat. Make sure you supervise this closely so your children are safe. ONLY apply enough heat to make the crayons soft and pliable. If you melt them, you've modeled igneous rocks! :D This represents the heat from under the Earth softening rocks.
4- Turn the heat off and wrap the foil tightly around the crayons. Again, supervise this closely so your children are safe. Smash the crayons together as tightly as you can! This represents pressure from inside the Earth crushing rocks.
5- Unwrap the crayons and repeat steps 3 and 4 several times, until you have a new metamorphic rock!
6- Compare it to your original two crayons. How is the metamorphic rock different? How is it the same?
Our kids wanted to touch and try coloring with their new metamorphic rocks after this science experiment. These are great ideas! How else can you experiment with it? What would your science project be?
I may share at any of these parties!
