4-Piece Preschool Number Puzzles - Free!
Happy Monday!
I love a new week, and I am excited to start this week by sharing a new freebie: a set of 4-piece preschool number puzzles!
You can print these puzzles off and use them in a ton of different ways:
* Solve them one at a time with your preschooler at a table!
* Place each puzzle in an envelope at a number station. Label the envelopes, and let your preschoolers choose which ones to open and solve!
* Glue one piece of a puzzle to a file folder to make a file folder game. Place the other pieces in an envelope and glue the envelope on to the file folder
* Spread the pieces to 2-3 puzzles out, face-up, on a table, and match the correct puzzles together!
* Or use them in any way you like!
Not only do these puzzles build problem-solving skills, but they help reinforce number concepts by representing each number in four different ways: one cardinal number, a portion of ten, fingers, and the word written out!
I would LOVE to see you use these--feel free to tag me on Instagram (Preschool_Powol_Packets) or Facebook (Preschool Powol Packets)!
Please encourage your friends and other teachers or parents to visit this post and click the link themselves. Please do NOT just share the file or the link to the pdf. Sharing the link to this blog post lets me continue to create and share more resources for your for free! 💕 Thank you!!
Happy Educating,
I may share at any of these parties!
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