Math & More With Pom Poms!!

Pom poms are tons of fun for preschoolers, toddlers, and even older children! Earlier this week I showed you how to make pom I'm going to share a dozen math, science, motor skill, and exploration activities you can do with your preschoolers and pom poms!
Early/Pre- Math & Science:
(colors, counting, sorting, sequencing, patterns)
1. Make pom poms in two different colors and give your child the pom poms and two tins or small pans. Review the colors and let him sort them based on color.
2. Make pom poms in two different sizes and see if he can identify the big and small poms and sort them by color.
3. Make a pom pom snake by lining the pom poms up in a row. Change it to a pattern snake and let your child complete the last pattern as you go.
4. Use a "hungry puppet" that eats pom poms. Have the puppet ask your child for "two pom poms" and then gobble them up! Vary the number to your child's skill level.
5. Line several tupperware buckets up to make a train--you can even place a real toy train engine at the front of the line! Label the buckets by taping numbers to them that your child can count to. Pull the train into the station and have your child fill its load by placing the correct number of pom poms into each "car."
6. Use colored plastic bowls that match your pom poms to make a pond. Pretend your pom poms are frogs that need to get to their spot in the pond! Let your child match up the frogs to their homes. Rib--itt!!
Motor Skills:
7. Give your child a set of pom poms, a cupcake pan, and a large measuring spoon. Let her move the pom poms around and explore how they respond to her touching them and lifting them with the spoon!
8. Make pom pom launchers by placing a fork on the table and setting the pom pom on the tip of the handle. Let your child (carefully) smack the tong part of the fork and watch the pom pom fly!
9. Place a jar (like an empty, cleaned peanut butter jar) on the floor next to a short chair. Let your child stand on the chair and try to drop the pom pom into the jar. If it's too easy, put her on a higher chair. If it's too hard, let her stand on the floor.

(textures, discovery, language)
10. Go on a pirate treasure hunt looking for pom poms! If your preschooler is older, make a treasure map showing where you hid the pom poms!
11. Fill a sensory bin with pom poms and plastic balls. Give it to your child with a measuring cup or dump truck. Let her explore!
12. Give your child two cups with pom poms in them and a third empty cup. Place about 1/4 cup (or less!) water in the one of the cups. Let your child explore! Talk about what she feels!
You can use any of these activities by themselves, as part of another activity, or even as rotations for centers or a challenge course! I'd love to know if you play with pom poms!!

I may share at any of these parties!
Another idea, which we've used with mini-marshamallows too, is that you cut the top of a round balloon off, and tie a knot in the other end (the end you'd usually tie). Stretch the freshly cut end over a plastic cup that you've cut the bottom off. Then you put the pom-pom inside the cup, pull back a bit on the knot, and let go to it fly!

I came over from a blog hop and am a new follower. Feel free to do the same!
Laughing Lioness, Thanks for stopping by! Pom poms are tons of fun!
Thanks, Kathy! I'd love to link up tomorrow!
Pears, I'm so glad you came by--I'll definitely pop over there and visit!
Hopping by and following your lovely blog'sFB and GFC. I blog @ Getting Healthy with Essential Oils
I am also inviting you to join Tiddle Diddle Handmade Shoppe's first giveaway event.
Thanks so much Deb! I love Montessori Monday, and really appreciate you sharing these posts!
Jodi, it's so funny how we forget things! I'm glad you can use it!!
The Quiet Mom, Thanks for stopping by! I look forward to getting to know you!
Kathy Shea Mormino
The Chicken Chick