Hibernation FREEBIES & Winner

First of all, a huge thanks to everyone who participated in and helped with my quick blog tour celebration during the last two weeks!! I had a great time and enjoyed meeting lots of new bloggers. I hoped you enjoyed it too! Bears & Butterflies: 41+ Hibernation Activities will continue to be available--click on this link to learn more!!
Congratulations to our gift card winner: Katie from A Gift of Curiousity!!
And have you picked up your hibernation freebies? Just stop by the following blogs to download these hibernation printables:
Stamp It! Acorns at Beg Borrow Steal:
Also, be sure to check out the onion experiment at Enchanted Homeschooling Mom:
Also, be sure to check out the onion experiment at Enchanted Homeschooling Mom:

I may share at any of these parties!