Shapes on Pumpkins!
What could possibly be more fun than shapes? Shapes and pumpkins, of course!
We might have had small, kid-sized hammers, but they do love using the big "grown-up" hammers too!
Every fall, one of our kids' favorite activities is hammering golf tees into pumpkins! It's a tradition we've been enjoying for at least five years! This year, we added some elastics to make shapes on the pumpkins! First we hammered in the golf tees:
We might have had small, kid-sized hammers, but they do love using the big "grown-up" hammers too!
We might have had a pumpkin face created too!
After you're done hammering, bring out the elastics!
My youngest preschooler's favorite shape lately is a triangle, and she put it on immediately:
Second graders could be challenged to make a shape with 4, 5, or 6 angles, and practice naming them as they make them. Second graders should be able to identify triangles, circles, quadrilaterals, trapezoids, hexagons, and octogons.
I'm sharing this as part of the 2nd Grade Blogging Team. Today we're talking about pumpkin-themed activities! Be sure to check out these other pumpkin ideas:
(I will add the links tomorrow--check back soon!)

I may share at any of these parties!