{FREE} Preschool Spider Counting Playdough Mats
I have a set of free preschool spider counting playdough mats for you today!
These are perfect for number recognition and counting practice!
Each mat has room to make a playdough number, count the spiders, and make playdough spiders to go on the spider web! I included a mat for each number, 1 - 10.
If you don't want to use playdough, you can let your kiddos trace the numbers with a marker and color in the spiders! If you laminate them, you can wipe both playdough and dry erase markers off! My favorite way to use them is with playdough and some wiggly eyes for the spiders!
We always do a spider theme in October, so I made these to go with our spider week next week...be sure to join us for lots of fun spider activities!
And if you're looking for more insect or bug resources, check out these other FREE insect, bug, and spider printables:
Happy Educating,
I may share at any of these parties!

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