S is for Spider Preschool Dot Page {FREE}
I have an adorable "S is for Spider" dot page for you and your preschoolers this weekend!
I absolutely love dot pages! Your preschooler can fill in the dots with dot paint markers, crayons, paint, chalk, magnets, buttons, beads, felt, or any other manipulative you choose!
You can use the page to practice tracing letters, counting dots, talking about colors, making "sssss" sounds, discussing spider diets, and more! You can use this free page as a center, a table activity while you cook, a quiet time activity, or just a simple no-prep spider themed preschool page!
Click HERE to download a {FREE} S is for Spider Dot Page!!
We like to do a spider theme every October...it fits in wonderfully with Halloween and fall, and our kids all love spiders!
If you're working on a spider theme or unit, you may want to check out our spider catapulting color game! Our preschoolers loved it...and so did our older kids! And check back again next week--I'm combining all our spider posts into a preschool spider theme for you soon!
And if you're looking for more insect or bug resources, check out these other FREE insect, bug, and spider printables:
Happy Educating,
I may share at any of these parties!

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