Preschool Dinosaur Name Activity
Our first new dinosaur activity this month helps your preschoolers learn how to spell their names!! It's perfect for toddlers too!
Actually, even our older kids enjoyed doing this because they like to decorate their names and "make them fancy!"
Did you know that Tyrannosaurus rex had a foot more than 3 feet long?! Each foot also had three big toes with a big claw on the end of each toe!
We made T. rex "feet" out of sponges and used them to stamp our names. Just cut sponges into three-toed foot shapes and let your preschoolers dip them in paint and stamp/print on top of their names!
As your kiddos trace their names with T. rex footprints, talk about the letters and the sounds they make.
In real life, T. rex actually walked on his tippy toes, so real T. rex footprints don't show the heel half of the foot and are only about one and a half feet long!
Fun Fact: all therapods (meat-eating dinosaurs who walked on two legs) have a similar shaped 3-toed foot. This includes Tyrannosaurus, Spinosaurus, Carnosaurus, and others!
One More Fun Fact (maybe for older kids): Tyrannosaurus is a genus name, and rex is a species name. We abbreviate it T. rex just like we abbreviate other scientific names (H. sapiens for humans, G. gorilla for gorilla, and C. lupus for dogs)!
We did this dinosaur name activity to go with Goldilocks & the 3 Dinosaurs by Mo Willems for this week's Virtual Book Club! (Amazon Affiliate link below)
This story is hilarious, and my kids love pointing out the dinosaurs' nefarious plans, as well as similarities and differences with the original Goldilocks story!
Do you love dinosaur activities? I have a whole preschool dinosaur theme here! You'll find loads of fun ideas for active learning fun!
This week's Virtual Book Club theme is all about dinosaurs too!
Be sure to check out all these fun dinosaur themed activities for preschoolers too! Then, pop over to the Weekly Virtual Book Club for Kids Facebook Group and let us know what kind of dinosaur-y activities you've been up to!
Preschool Dinosaur Name Activity - here at Preschool Powol Packets!!
Alphabet Activities
Number Activities
Sensory Activities
Cooking Activities
Science Activities
Pre-writing Activities
Happy Educating,
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