Preschool STEM Camp: Day 4 - States of Matter & Art Science Experiment
Day four of our Preschool STEM Creation Camp is all about using science experiments and activites to study states of matter and art! I could call it STEAM, but I think STEM Creation Camp has a "catchier" sound. Anyway, these science projects are perfect for homeschool, summer camps, maker spaces, and more! Here's the step by step science, art, and storybook lesson:
{To see the rest of the themes, supply list, and lesson plans (5 days, with one and a half hours of STEM activities planned each day), click HERE!}
Today is
Preschool STEM Camp
DAY 4: States of Matter & Art
Supplies: canvas (or art paper on top of cardboard), crayons (either Crayola or CraZ Art Crayons), hot glue and glue gun, hair dryer, (Amazon affiliate link): The Noisy Paint Box
Gathering Activity: As children arrive, direct them to a building station. Today I put out (Amazon affiliate links): TINKERTOYS
and Magna-Tiles
(they've quickly became a favorite for this group). We often build on the floor, but today I put the blocks on a table for everybody since we have a child in a wheelchair. This also gives everyone a chance to get to know each other while they build next to one another and, if they choose, together.
Group Circle Time: Gather everyone in a circle. Review names and discuss solids, liquids, and gasses. Solids are hard and don't pour. Let everyone touch a solid. Liquids can pour from one cup to another cup. Let everyone tell their neighbor a liquid (water, milk, and juice were the most common ones listed in our group). Gasses can be in the air. Discuss examples like water vapor and your breath (let everyone breathe on their hand). Discuss how you can change from one state of matter to another by adding or removing heat. Announce that we're staring with a story of a famous painter...are paints a solid, liquid, or gas? (Depends, explore this idea if your kids are interested!)
Story Time: I have everyone stand up and form a new semi-circle in another room for the story, mostly because I wanted everyone to have a chance to move and stretch between introductions and a story that takes at least five minutes to read. Today's story is The Noisy Paintbox. Discussion points: Does art always have to look like something? How does the last artwork on the 2-page spread make you feel? What do you think of when you feel it?
Today we're using science to make artwork that does not need to look like anything! We call it abstract. As you work on it, ask yourself how it makes you feel!
(Image is an Amazon Affiliate Link:)
Today we're using science to make artwork that does not need to look like anything! We call it abstract. As you work on it, ask yourself how it makes you feel!
(Image is an Amazon Affiliate Link:)
Science Art Project #1: Melted Crayon Art. This project actually took more than 45 minutes -- it is a little involved, but even 4-year olds can do every step of it!
To introduce the project, I had the kids watch me closely while I explained and modeled all the steps. Then I asked them, one at a time, what each step would be. This cuts down on questions SOOO much!! Once they begin, you'll still want to help as they need it.
Step 1: Break 4-5 crayons in half and peel them. This is amazing fine motor exercise, and some of our kids did it literally five times faster than others. It's tempting to do it for your kids, but every 4-year old I've met is capable of peeling 4 might just take some kiddos 20 minutes. ;)
Step 2: Place a drop of hot glue on the canvas and press a crayon into it. Repeat for each crayon. I use low-temp hot glue guns, and my 4-year olds have no problem using them safely. If you don't think your kids are ready for it, you can help them with this part...but if they're willing to do it themselves, I love to let them!
Step 3: Melt the crayons by adding heat from a hair dryer! Watch the solid crayons change to liquid wax as they absorb heat from the hair dryer! As the wax melts, you can direct it by the angle you hold the hairdryer at. Some of our smallest kids needed help holding the heavy hair dryer up so it didn't land in the wax, but they could all direct it and control the melting pattern. Again, this is fantastic hand exercise!
Logistics Note 1: If you don't have a lab station set up designed to handle high currency loads, you will want to make sure to only plug one hair dryer into each circuit. At a home, this may mean only one hair-dryer in each room. Otherwise, you risk tripping your circuit breaker. ;) If you do trip your circuit breaker, just reset it with your breaker box. :) In most cases, you cannot plug 5 hairdryers into one extension cord at a desk.
Logistics Note 2: It is extremely helpful if you can have one adult or assistant for every 4-5 kids. I had 3 assistants for 9 kids, and it was super convenient. ;)
I LOVED the huge variety of finished projects!! Here are a can see how easy it is to talk about how art can make you feel a certain way with these!
These one needed to add some marker art onto the melted crayon art. I love how it turned out!!
At this point, we had our snack and playtime because our scheduled 90-minute class was almost over! I had prepared one other activity, but since we didn't get to it, I just saved it for my kids on another day. You can decide if you have time for it or not! I'll give you a summary here and then add pictures later.
These one needed to add some marker art onto the melted crayon art. I love how it turned out!!
At this point, we had our snack and playtime because our scheduled 90-minute class was almost over! I had prepared one other activity, but since we didn't get to it, I just saved it for my kids on another day. You can decide if you have time for it or not! I'll give you a summary here and then add pictures later.
Science Art Project #2 / Extension Activity:
Preparation: At least 24 hours in advance, fill a 12" balloon for each child with enough water so that it is about 4" in diameter. Place this in the freezer so it is frozen when you pull it out.
Supplies: frozen balloons, paper cups, pipettes, food coloring, water, salt
This is a really fun way to watch matter change from a solid to a liquid, and the process is very artistic!
Step 1: Ask your kids what state of matter (solid, liquid, gas) the ice is. Ask them how we can change it to a liquid (let it absorb heat from the room, cook it, etc.). We're going to watch the melting process with colored water!
Step 2: Fill the cups about half full with water and add 4-5 drops of food coloring. What state is the water/food coloring?
Step 3: Use pipettes to transfer water to the top of the ice. Watch where it goes! Add salt to the ice. Salt lowers the freezing point of ice, so it melts at room temperature faster. Add more colored water! Continue experimenting until the ice is gone...or you run out of time!
Preparation: At least 24 hours in advance, fill a 12" balloon for each child with enough water so that it is about 4" in diameter. Place this in the freezer so it is frozen when you pull it out.
Supplies: frozen balloons, paper cups, pipettes, food coloring, water, salt
This is a really fun way to watch matter change from a solid to a liquid, and the process is very artistic!
Step 1: Ask your kids what state of matter (solid, liquid, gas) the ice is. Ask them how we can change it to a liquid (let it absorb heat from the room, cook it, etc.). We're going to watch the melting process with colored water!
Step 2: Fill the cups about half full with water and add 4-5 drops of food coloring. What state is the water/food coloring?
Step 3: Use pipettes to transfer water to the top of the ice. Watch where it goes! Add salt to the ice. Salt lowers the freezing point of ice, so it melts at room temperature faster. Add more colored water! Continue experimenting until the ice is gone...or you run out of time!
Free Play & Wrap-Up: Regroup, thank everyone for coming, review their favorite states of matter, and let them play with the blocks again before they leave! Free play is important for kids because it gives their brains a chance to process what they've learned. It also lets them create their own environment (to a degree!) for interacting and socializing with other children. I still supervise young children closely!
If you need more science projects and activities, try some of these artistic science projects for preschoolers: These science experiments and activities are perfect for exploring all sorts of concepts.
And if you want to see a huge collection of STEM projects we've done with preschoolers, click on over HERE!
I'm so glad you're joining us for this Preschool STEM Camp, and I hope to see you again next week!! I would be delighted if you shared this post on Pinterest or Facebook! Be sure to see the whole camp layout HERE!!
Happy Educating,
I may share at any of these parties!

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