Thanksgiving Science Experiment: Turkey Toothpaste!
About seven years ago one of my favorite chemistry recipes made "elephant toothpaste" a household phrase. Today, I'm sharing a fun turkey twist you can do with it for a Thanksgiving science experiment: Turkey Toothpaste!
These turkey feathers are seriously the best you have ever seen! They just keep coming and coming and coming!
You can make them any color you have handy!!
Safety Notes:
1- This is meant to be a demonstration performed by an adult.
2- Even though "toothpaste" is in the name, do NOT actually put it in anyone's mouth!
2- Even though "toothpaste" is in the name, do NOT actually put it in anyone's mouth!
3- Hydrogen peroxide can irritate skin, especially if you have sensitive skin. You can see that it doesn't bother me in the video, but if you are at all concerned, just wear gloves.
4- Hydrogen peroxide will burn your eyes. Wear protective goggles, and have any children within the splash zone wear goggles also.
And now...
Thanksgiving Science Experiment:
Turkey Toothpaste
for the "turkey" set-up:
2 water bottles
food coloring
sharp scissors or knife
duct tape (actually, I used gorilla tape!)
turkey head & body
pan to catch the mess
optional: parchment paper on the pan
for the flowing feathers:
1 heaping tablespoon yeast
4 tablespoons warm water
12% hydrogen peroxide
liquid dishsoap
food coloring
How To:
1- Set up your turkey: Cut the top of one water bottle off, cut a slit in the other bottle, and tape the top the bottle, as shown in the picture below and the video. Use tape to make a strong seal around your new nozzle. This is super important--you don't want feathers escaping out the nozzle!
Finally, fit as many straws as you can into the bottle's top opening and seal them in with tape.
2- Prepare your yeast by setting it in warm water and letting it grow for about five minutes.
3- Pour 3/4 cup of hydrogen peroxide into the turkey. Add a big squirt of soap and swirl them together.
4- Make sure your lid is handy!
5- Quickly add your growing yeast/water AND put the lid on tightly. See the video for timing! Then step back and enjoy your festive little turkey!!
Are you looking for more Thanksgiving science activities? Check out how we grew Indian Corn, made "turkey" feather slime, and tried a turkey "feathers" STEM project!
Happy Educating,
I may share at any of these parties!

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