Preschool Music and Active Movement Class!
Last year I started teaching a preschool Music and Active Movement class in our community, mostly so my preschoolers could make some new friends and get the benefits of an organized music class.
I decided to share the lesson plans here, partly to help anyone else who is planning preschool music lessons (whether it's in a preschool class, a homeschool co-op, a library, or just in your community!) and partly so I could find them again easily!
I like to have a theme each week and consistent routines within the class. The kids enjoy the variety of themes and the routines help young children adjust to a structured class.
These lessons are designed for 3-4 year old kids, but we have had siblings from 2-6 join in and have a great time too!
Each lesson takes about 40 minutes.
It is worth pointing out that in the first lesson (Moon & Space), I share more details about our Welcome Song, Good-bye Song, and a little more background about some of my inspiration for organizing these classes.
So, here are the lessons I've typed up for you! I hope they're helpful!! And you're always welcome to reach out to me with any questions or to clarify anything that I was too vague on!
* and more coming! *
I also have a few music resources that are not whole lesson plans, but that you might find useful:
Happy Educating,

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