DIY Preschool STEM Summer Camp Day 5: Electricity & Robots
Day five of our Preschool STEM Summer Camp is all about electricity, robots, and art! I could call it STEAM, but I think STEM Creation Camp has a "catchier" sound. Anyway, it's perfect for homeschool, summer camps, maker spaces, and more! Here's the step by step science, art, and storybook lesson:
{To see the rest of the themes, supply list, and lesson plans (5 days, with one and a half hours of STEM activities planned each day), click HERE!}
Today is the DIY
Preschool STEM Summer Camp
DAY 5: Electricity, Robots, & Art
Supplies: book (That's Not My Robot), squishy circuits set (or batteries, wires, and LED lights), paper or plastic cups, glue, and art supplies
Gathering Activity: As children arrive, direct them to a building station. Today I put out (Amazon affiliate links): Magna-Tiles
and flashlights. The lights create a really fun effect as you shine them in, around, and through magnatile buildings! We often build on the floor, but today I put the blocks on a table for everybody since we have a child in a wheelchair. This also gives everyone a chance to get to know each other while they build next to one another and, if they choose, together.
Group Circle Time: Gather everyone in a circle, and ask if anyone has ever seen or used a robot! Talk about their experiences and some robots that might affect them (for example, we use robots to control airplanes, do surgeries, build cars, and explore Mars)! You can see pictures from Mars rovers here.
Story Time: I have everyone stand up and form a new semi-circle in another room for the story, mostly because I wanted everyone to have a chance to move and stretch between introductions and a story. Today's story is That's Not My Robot.
Discussion Points: If you could make any robot, what would it do?
Today we're going to explore electricity and then make our own robot art projects.
Discussion Points: If you could make any robot, what would it do?
Today we're going to explore electricity and then make our own robot art projects.
Science Project #1:
Electricity exploration. Pull out your squishy circuits set, and let your kids explore electricity! I introduce how I use these sets in detail in this article. This project can take anywhere from 5-200 minutes, so gauge yourself!
I LOVE how this is an open-ended experiment session!!
Science Art Project #2 / Extension Activity:
Cup Robots
Supplies: paper or plastic cups, glue (I prefer hot glue, but use whatever you feel is safest), and other craft supplies (especially wiggly eyes).
Supplies: paper or plastic cups, glue (I prefer hot glue, but use whatever you feel is safest), and other craft supplies (especially wiggly eyes).
Step 1: Show the kids the craft supplies and tell them they get to design their own robots!
Note: If you have older kids or lots of helpers, you can make use little motors to make robots that rock and bump around. With a large group of younger kids, though, artistic robots are a lot of fun!
Free Play & Wrap-Up: Regroup, thank everyone for coming, talk about their favorite parts of the day or week, and let them play again before they leave! Free play is important for kids because it gives their brains a chance to process what they've learned. It also lets them create their own environment (to a degree!) for interacting and socializing with other children. I still supervise young children closely!
And if you want to see a huge collection of STEM projects we've done with preschoolers, click on over HERE!
I'm so glad you're joining us for this Preschool STEM Camp, and I hope to see you again next week!! I would be delighted if you shared this post on Pinterest or Facebook! Be sure to see the whole camp layout HERE!!
Happy Educating,

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