Construction Truck Names!!

Construction vehicles names are one of the things my son is truly expert at (others include his phone and LEGOS, lol!).

I spend a lot of time with preschool and toddler boys, and every one of them loves construction trucks.  My girls like them too!  They like to play construction games and they like to know what their trucks are called.

I haven't always known the difference in a backhoe and an excavator, but I do now!  So, I'm making it easy for you to learn construction vehicles names and share them with your kiddos!

Check out these trucks, and then take the quizzie at the bottom of the post!

Make sure you go all the way to the bottom of the post to get a free printable poster!!

Construction Vehicles Names

#1:  Loader.  A bucket to scoop things like dirt or gravel.

#2:  Excavator.  A digger or shovel on a truck.

#3:  Backhoe.  An excavator (that digs backwards) AND a loader.

 #4: Bulldozer.  A sharp shovel that can scrape and move dirt.
Many bulldozers have a ripper (claw shaped device) on the back to loosen or rip hard soil.

#5:  Dump Truck.  Back can tilt to dump.

Join my VIP Email Group & get a set of FREE Construction Truck coloring pages!

Do you have someone who loves to color? If so, make sure you grab these construction truck coloring pages! I'll also send you fun ideas, freebies, and more!

#6: Cement Mixer.  Mixes and pours cement/concrete.

 Concrete must be poured out of the truck within two hours so it does not harden inside the truck.  If it does harden, jack hammers or explosives might be used to get it out.

#7:  Crane.  Lifts high and heavy objects.
Crane can fold or extend.
Cranes were used by the Greeks over 2500 years ago!

I hope you've had fun getting to know different construction vehicles names!  Now take this little quizzie and see what you can find!

Quizzie:  What construction trucks can you find in the following two pictures:

 Do you (or your kids!) love all things construction?  Be sure to come back next week for a check out our Construction Truck Action Rhyme,  {FREE} construction-themed game!!   Also, be sure to check out my Construction Vehicles Sensory TableConstruction Preschool Packet and {FREE} Construction Word Puzzles!

You can find them all in this construction preschool theme:

Just click here to see our favorite preschool construction theme activities!

The clip art in this post is from the amazing KPM Doodles!

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Happy Educating,

Have you seen HEEP? It is a preschool homeschool curriculum! Learn more here!

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these are great - my Godson will love them!
Erika, I'm so glad you can use them!
Ashley said…
Just wanted you to know I am featuring this post on Mom's Library this week!
What a cool post! My son has always LOVED construction trucks!

Thanks for linking up to TGIF! Hope to see you again tomorrow,
Unknown said…
Great post these things have always confused me. I love the poster & would have printed however the black background means that it would use half my ink up.
EC said…
I'm ashamed to admit I didn't know the real names of most of these! lol ("Digger-digger truck" isn't a real name?!)
Ang Paris said…
Good morning! I'm stopping by from the Empty Your Archive link party - what a cute printable you have here - thanks for sharing it!
My son is an expert at all things construction-related!
- Ang
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