Tuesday, August 21, 2018

Letter G Free Printable Minibook Alphabet Series

Not gonna lie...this little goat is one of my favorite animal pictures in the entire free printable minibooks set! Each minibook focuses on a letter of the alphabet and since I know a lot of preschoolers work on letters, I am sharing them here! Today's book is the Letter G!

Like the other letters, this Letter G book has nine coloring-book style pictures that start with the featured letter. You just print them off, cut out the pages, and staple them together! 

Or, even better, let your preschooler or kindergarten kiddo cut out the pages! 

Preschoolers get to practice writing their name on the front page, tracing the letter on the front page, and seeing the letter again on each page in the minibook!

If you want to play with the pages more, you could print two sets, paste them on construction paper, cut them out, and play memory or matching games. It just reinforces the sounds that G can make as you remind your children that all the words in this book start with G. 

My preschoolers LOVE "reading" their books after they color them too! If you could convince your kiddos to let you go of the pages for a few days, you could also display them on a wall or fridge!

They also make great coloring books if your kiddos are younger or not ready to focus on sounds and letters yet! 

I will be sharing about one alphabet minibook each week, so if you follow along you can get them all free! You can click HERE to see the whole collection! And if you don't want to wait for them to come out weekly, you're welcome to click HERE for instructions on buying the whole set at once.

Happy Educating,

Have you seen HEEP? It is a preschool homeschool curriculum! Learn more here!

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