Crayon Resist Heart Painting & Penguin in Love
These crayon resist heart paintings look fantastic no matter how old your kiddos are!
They are super easy to make and so much fun for Valentine's! Making them includes several preschool science lessons, and they go perfectly with the picture book Penguin in Love!
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I absolutely love reading a book with my children and then doing a related craft or activity! It's one of my favorite morning structures with my preschoolers! I especially love open-ended art projects, where there is no right or wrong way to create art. This project is a treat because any way it gets done, any way the colors mix, and any way the hearts get drawn...the finished piece looks fantastic!
To make your own crayon resist heart paintings, you will need the following:
Simple Supplies:
* crayons
* watercolor paints
* paper
Easy How To:
1- Let your children draw hearts with the crayons wherever they want on the paper. If your kiddos' hearts don't quite look like hearts, that's okay! It is important to press very firmly with the crayons to make a nice thick crayon mark. Note: We actually used oil pastel crayons (see Amazon link below) to provide a different texture experience for my kiddos. This was super fun and does not require as much firm pressing as normal crayons. If you do not have oil pastels on hand, though, normal crayons also work fine!
2- Dip your paintbrush in water, then in your water color paints and paint all over the hearts with watercolors! Feel free to mix colors and "scribble!" Cover the paper! The effect is always fun! Note: I usually limit my kiddos to 2-3 paint colors. This is freeing for them and gives them a more cohesive picture when they're done.
3- Ta Da! Crayon Resist Heart Paintings!
While you paint, you can talk about the following preschool science concepts:
* color mixing (For example, red and blue make purple...what about pink and blue?)
* mixing versus non-mixing (For example, oil [crayons] and water [paints] do not mix.)
Do you love Valentine's Day? This post is part of the Valentine's Read and Play celebration! Be sure to click here to see over two dozen Valentine's-y books and book-inspired activities by other kid bloggers!
Also check out these other Valentine's Art & Science activities: Love Potions, Mixed Media Valentine's Art Project, Sponge Painting for Valentine's, and Valentine's Heart Pocket!
And if you want more penguin-themed ideas, check out these Craft Stick Penguins, Penguin Ornaments, Peek-a-Boo Penguins, {FREE} Penguin Easy Reader, and Penguin Preschool Packet!
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I absolutely love reading a book with my children and then doing a related craft or activity! It's one of my favorite morning structures with my preschoolers! I especially love open-ended art projects, where there is no right or wrong way to create art. This project is a treat because any way it gets done, any way the colors mix, and any way the hearts get drawn...the finished piece looks fantastic!
To make your own crayon resist heart paintings, you will need the following:
Simple Supplies:
* crayons
* watercolor paints
* paper
Easy How To:
1- Let your children draw hearts with the crayons wherever they want on the paper. If your kiddos' hearts don't quite look like hearts, that's okay! It is important to press very firmly with the crayons to make a nice thick crayon mark. Note: We actually used oil pastel crayons (see Amazon link below) to provide a different texture experience for my kiddos. This was super fun and does not require as much firm pressing as normal crayons. If you do not have oil pastels on hand, though, normal crayons also work fine!
2- Dip your paintbrush in water, then in your water color paints and paint all over the hearts with watercolors! Feel free to mix colors and "scribble!" Cover the paper! The effect is always fun! Note: I usually limit my kiddos to 2-3 paint colors. This is freeing for them and gives them a more cohesive picture when they're done.
While you paint, you can talk about the following preschool science concepts:
* color mixing (For example, red and blue make purple...what about pink and blue?)
* mixing versus non-mixing (For example, oil [crayons] and water [paints] do not mix.)
Do you love Valentine's Day? This post is part of the Valentine's Read and Play celebration! Be sure to click here to see over two dozen Valentine's-y books and book-inspired activities by other kid bloggers!
Also check out these other Valentine's Art & Science activities: Love Potions, Mixed Media Valentine's Art Project, Sponge Painting for Valentine's, and Valentine's Heart Pocket!
And if you want more penguin-themed ideas, check out these Craft Stick Penguins, Penguin Ornaments, Peek-a-Boo Penguins, {FREE} Penguin Easy Reader, and Penguin Preschool Packet!
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I may share at any of these parties!
