January Preschool Themes & February Preschool Themes
The new year is coming right up, so I thought I'd share some of my favorite January preschool themes & February preschool themes!
In fact, I have a huge treat for you! After I share a list of ideas for January and February preschool themes, I'm going to share collections of activities you can use for them and some of my favorite books! These collections have everything from crafts to science activities, and more!
So, this post will start out with a list of fun January Preschool Themes, then a list of awesome February Preschool Themes, and then the collection of ideas and resources for all those preschool theme ideas! It's perfect for planning a preschool schedule, daycare, or homeschool! I hope it helps make your planning super easy and fun...or maybe I'm the only one who really enjoys planning out school time... :D
Anyway, let's get started...
January Preschool Theme Ideas:
Snow & Snowmen
Polar Bears
Martin Luther King Jr. & Black History (MLKJ Day is the 3rd Monday in January)
Arctic & Antarctic Animals
February Preschool Theme Ideas:
Shadows & Groundhog Day (Feb. 2nd is Groundhog Day)
Valentines & Friendship (Feb 14th is Valentines Day)
Teeth (The American Dental Association (ADA) sponsors National Children's Dental Health Month every February)
100th Day of School (usually falls in February)
Presidents & Patriotism (President's Day is the 3rd Monday in February)
You can easily spend over a week on any of these themes, but we usually limit the themes to one week so everyone's interest is at a high level. You can also have a "mini theme" or a short one or two day unit to celebrate themes you don't have time for. For example, we often have a Polar Bear Day or Polar Bear Party because we just don't have time to spend a whole week on them!
I've collected some fantastic resources for these themes for you! You could easily plan all your January preschool themes and February preschool themes with these resources! Or just browse through and pick out what looks like fun to add to your already amazing themes!
Resources & Ideas for January Preschool Themes:
Winter, Ice, Snow & Snowmen:
Polar Bears:
Martin Luther King Jr. & Black History:
Arctic & Antarctic Animals:
Resources & Ideas for February Preschool Themes:
Shadows & Groundhog Day:
Valentines & Friendship:
100th Day of School:
Presidents & Patriotism:
Books for January Preschool Themes:
All book images are Amazon Affiliate Links:** more coming soon! **
Books for February Preschool Themes:
** coming soon! **
What kind of January preschool themes and February preschool themes will you be enjoying? I'd love to hear!!
Here's to an exciting new year!!
Happy Educating,
I may share at any of these parties!

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