Stories and Science Experiments - Read & Experiment!
Welcome to my new bookshelf for Stories & Science!! This collection is full of science experiments, STEM, and STEAM activities that go with picture books and storybooks! It's science filled, book-based science projects and activities with learning adventures!
When we have a rough morning or our schedule is off, my favorite "recovery" lesson is to read a book (usually a picture book, but sometimes a longer story) and do a science experiment or activity that ties into it. Everyone gets involved, everyone relaxes, everyone has fun, and we've gently re-entered a learning zone. We love it so much that our "stories and science" collection has grown pretty big!
This is a collection of science experiments, activities, projects, and demonstrations that I have shared with books here on Preschool Powol Packets during the last few years. I've grouped them in two ways: First, in pictures by science project...just click on the picture to get all the details! Below the images is a list of all the projects, alphabetically, by book...just scroll down to see it.
By Project:
By BOok:
If you have a particular book you want to read, or schedule your own "story and science time" around a book, here are the books and science projects in a simple list.
The book titles will be Amazon Affiliate links; the science activity, experiment, or demonstration title is a link to more details!
Books are listed alphabetically.
Books are listed alphabetically.
10 Apples Up on Top - Sparkly "Apple" Slime
10 Fat Turkeys - Sparkly "Turkey Feather" Slime
A House for Hermit Crab - How Hermit Crabs & Fish Breathe
Cat in the Hat - Center of Gravity Science
Charlie & the Chocolate Factory - Chocolate Slime
Charlie & the Chocolate Factory - Chocolate Science
Day it Rained Hearts, The - Exploding Hearts Science
Dr. Seuss's ABCs - Bubble Rainbow Science
Five Little Pumpkins - Pumpkin Skin Experiment
Frederico, the Mouse Violinist - Sound Science
Giraffes Can't Dance - Music STEAM Challenge
Goldilocks and the 3 Dinosaurs - Dinosaur Ice Egg Science Experiment
Green Eggs & Ham - Fizzing Green Egg Science Experiment
Gruffalo, The - Owl Science Activities
How Do Dinosaurs Eat Their Food? - Dinosaur Footprints & More
I Ain't Gonna Paint No More - Paintbrush Engineering STEM Challenge
Iggy Peck, Architect - Architecture & Engineering STEM
I'm the Biggest Thing in the Ocean - Reactions & Light STEAM
I Took the Moon for a Walk - Moon Science
Leaf Man - Leaves Experiment
Mr. Brown Can Moo - Thunder Experiment
Mr. Popper's Penguins - Penguin Science Experiments
My Color is Rainbow - Rainbow STEAM Challenge
One Fish, Two Fish - "Fish" Science Activity
Penguin and Pinecone - Penguin Ornament
Time for Bed - Why We Have Night Science Activity
Time to Sleep - Bear Science Activities
Umbrella, The - Floating/Bouyancy Experiment
Very Hungry Caterpillar, The - Butterfly Food Science
Yertle the Turtle - Turtle Stacking STEM
Zoey and Sassafras: Dragons & Marshmallows - Food Science
Happy Educating,
I may share at any of these parties!

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