Aluminum Foil Sculptures (Science Experiments, Art, and Language)

Language: We started the aluminum foil boat-making started with a poetry lesson from my free Poetry Unit for Preschoolers. It also took a bit of practice for the kids to be able to say "aluminum!"
Art: Everyone designed their own boats! Then, they moved on to create many of their own ideas, including crystals, jewels, statues, animals, people, and Pokemon.
Science: The science experiment options with aluminum foil boats are endless! My kids predicted whether or not their boats would float and then tested them! Their science project included making boats of different sizes and shapes. They also tested other objects while we talked about floating and sinking. They experimented to see what would happen when they placed a rock that sank inside a boat that did not sink. They experimented to see how many rocks a boat could hold. And, they felt the difference in wet and dry aluminum foil.
I may share at any of these parties!