{FREE} A Poetry Unit for Preschoolers

April is National Poetry Month, and I am so excited to share this {FREE} Poetry Unit for Preschoolers with you!!  

Preschoolers have a wonderful sense of language and it is incredibly fun to share poetry with them.

I used Shel Silverstein's Where the Sidewalk Ends as a text and chose 10 poems from it to form the basis for 10 poetry lessons.  Each lesson refers to a poem (so it helps a lot to have access to that book), includes an activity suggestion, and instructions for a writing project (mostly poems).  You can use all the lessons, or just a couple!

This unit also works well for older children (up to about Grade 3).  These children will not require the same amount and type of instruction as preschoolers will, but may still enjoy the poetry and activities.  These lessons can also be adapted for older toddlers!

You can download your own copy {FREE} here!

You are welcome to share this file, but please link back to this blog post and not just the file.  Thanks so much!

As always, I'd love to know what you think!  If you post about your family using the file and send me a link, I'd love to include the link on this post too!

Happy National Poetry Month!

I may share at any of these parties!


Anonymous said…
How creative!! I love Shel Silverstein's books. I have printed this out and plan to use it this next week with my children. Thank you for sharing this with everyone for free! I have pinned this onto my Pinterest Board and shared it on Facebook and Twitter.
Jill, I'm so glad you can use it! And thanks so much for sharing it on Twitter and Facebook!
Bekah said…
Very creative!!! Printed it out and can't wait to use it. You've been pinned. Stopping by from TGIF!

Bekah @SonshineTotSchool.blogspot.com
Thanks, Bekah! I'm excited for you to use it! Let me know how it goes!
Anonymous said…
thank you for this resource I am really looking forward to using it with my boys.
Jennifer P.
LOVE this poetry unit!! Thanks for sharing!! Beth =-)
Unknown said…
This is awesome. I would love for you to share at my link party. It is a perfect fit! http://www.trueaimeducation.com/2012/06/moms-library.html
Lisa T said…
I was really interested in doing this unit, but for some reason, it's not downloading. All I get is blank pages with some lines and a few dots. Did this get deleted?
Jennifer, Beth, and Tulip, Thanks so much!! I'm so glad you can use it!

Lisa, I'm not sure why it won't download for you. I have not deleted it, and I just double checked the link. Everything seems to be working perfectly. The link should take you to a PDF, which you can save or print. If it still won't download for you, send me an email (preschoolpackets at gmail dot com) and I can send you a copy. ;)
Just wanted to let you know that I included your Preschool Poetry Unit as a great resource for homeschoolers =) http://www.livinglifeintentionally.blogspot.com/2012/07/homeschooling-101.html

Have a GREAT day,
Beth =-)
Thanks, Beth!! I'm so honored! You have an amazing set of resources there!
Ashley said…
Thank you Carla! I have been trying to figure out how to use poetry with my girls (4 and 5). This will be perfect! Now to hunt down the book!
Shonda said…
Just found this today! Downloaded and looking forward to using it with my preschooler!
Ava said…
You came to my rescue! We are doing a one-week summer camp theme on poetry and Shel Silverstein and I thought, "how do we introduce poetry to kids who have never heard of it before?" (These are 4-5's.) And here was your blog, perfect! I love how you combined activities and suggestions for how to put the poems together with Shel's poems. Thank you.
Ava, your comment totally made my day! I'm so glad you can use this! Thanks for letting me know!!
Melody said…
Thanks for sharing this! I think poetry is definitely something that helps children grow in other areas of learning as well so thank you again for sharing this unit!