Teach Me Tuesday 6-18-13
Welcome back to Teach Me Tuesday!! I can't wait to visit all of your wonderful sites again--I get so inspired by your creativity each week!! We'll start with four fabulous features:

I may share at any of these parties!

#1: (Most Clicked On): Jump In To Summer Learning: Ocean Week from 3 Dinosaurs {FREE} Printables
#2: Snapping Paper Plate Froggy Puppets from The Craft Train
#3: Preschool Insect Unit Activities from Gift of Curiousity
#4 Tons of Butterfly Activities from Tots and Me
#2: Snapping Paper Plate Froggy Puppets from The Craft Train
#3: Preschool Insect Unit Activities from Gift of Curiousity
#4 Tons of Butterfly Activities from Tots and Me
If you missed these ladies' posts, be sure to check them out! And if you are featured, feel free to grab a featured button from the sidebar!
<div align="center"><a href="http://PreschoolPowolPackets.blogspot.com" title="Preschool Powol Packets" target="_blank"><img src="http://i1082.photobucket.com/albums/j368/cmg38/TeachMeTuesdayButton.jpg" alt="Preschool Powol Packets" style="border:none;" /></a></div>
I may share at any of these parties!
God bless!!
Me too, Debbie!! There are so many creative bloggers out there!
Thanks for coming by, JDaniel4's Mom!