Summer Fun for Preschoolers: Crab Craft
Today I am happy to welcome Melanie from Our Crafts ~N~ Things with an adorable crab craft--perfect for an ocean or beach theme!!
This is the fifth week in the Summer Fun For Preschoolers series! Each Friday this summer I'm sharing a guest post with wonderful ideas of ways to intentionally spend time with your young children! Click here for a list of all the weeks, and check out the contributors in the left hand sidebar!
We took a recent trip to the beach- it was Hailey and Hunter's first time to see the ocean. Since our trip to the beach Hailey has been excited to learn all about the ocean. We borrowed lots of books from the library all about the ocean and have started an ocean unit which we will work on throughout this month. To get the fun started we made a paper bowl crab craft.
Here is what you'll need to get started: paper bowl, glue, red paint, tissue paper, construction paper, black felt, wiggly eyes, scissors, something to paint with.
First I had Hailey and Hunter paint their paper bowls all red.
While they were busy painting, I cut out the various pieces we would need for the crab legs, mouth and some seaweed. I used the construction paper for the legs, the felt for the mouth and the tissue paper for the seaweed.
Hailey glued her seaweed onto her blue construction paper.
Hailey and Hunter glued the crab legs to their papers.
Hailey very carefully placing the legs.
Adding some eyes
Then she positioned the red bowl onto her paper.
Hailey's completed crab.
Both of the crabs hanging out in the sun.
If you're looking for more ocean related crafts and activities, be sure to stop by and see what we're up to during the month of July.
Melanie has been married to the man of her dreams for 13 years and together they have two great kids. She is super excited to be starting her first year of homeschooling this fall! She blogs about the crafts and activities she does with her kids at Our Crafts ~N~ Things. You can also like her on Facebook and follow her on Pinterest so you don’t miss any the fun activities.
I may share at any of these parties!
I featured this on TGIF this week here Thanks for sharing your creativity with the rest of us! Hope to see you linked up again later today.
Have a great weekend!