Friday, September 6, 2013


Bubble Wrap Apple Trees

We have had a lot of bubble wrap floating around our house lately, so I decided to use it in a fall apple craft that turns painting into a hands-on sensory experience:  Bubble Wrap Apple Trees!

It turns out that bubble wrap makes an excellent paintbrush!  Here's the easy How-to:

Bubble Wrap Apple Trees

Simple Supplies:

  • bubble wrap
  • big paper (you can use normal paper if you choose, but the big paper makes it easier to swipe the bubble wrap around)
  • red, blue, yellow, and brown paint
  • paint tins

Easy How-To:

1- Prepare the bubble wrap by cutting it into manageable pieces.

2- Pour the brown and red paints into their own tins.  Mix the yellow and blue to make green.  This lets you review colors, mixing, and gives your trees many hues of green!

3- Explain how to make a tree and let your children create!  Remember this activity is as much about the experience as the product, so if the tree doesn't quite look like a tree, that's okay!

We had to add a toothpick to the supply list too.

Have you ever painted with bubble wrap?

We used bubble wrap that came with some shipped items, but you can also buy it just to play with!  Here are some convenient Amazon affiliate never pay more for clicking through them, but we do receive a small amount for referring you.  See my policies page here.

I may share at any of these parties!


Anonymous said...

Now that looks like some messy fun!

Lauren said...

Looks like fun! We love using bubble wrap. Thank you for sharing at our Pinning for Play link party!

Emma @ Our Whimsical Days said...

What a fun idea! Paint and bubble wrap - 2 of my preschooler's favorite things! lol

Chris said...

Looks like a ton of fun!
How creative!!

Thx for sharing!!

Unknown said...

That looks like a lot of fun. I think we have all the we can give this a try. Thank you for sharing on Artsy Play Wednesday.
: 0 ) Theresa (Capri + 3)

Carrie said...

Oh how fun!! Thank you for sharing at Sharing Saturday!

Tree Removal Queens said...

Cool post! Thanks for sharing