Croaking Frog Craft and Halloween Read & Play
This Croaking Frog Craft actually croaks! He's perfect to make for Halloween, fall, Room on the Broom, or just for fun by himself!

The other day, the kids found a toad outside that was as big as their hands. They loved it! It was the perfect chance to read one of our favorite Halloween books, make a frog craft, and talk about frogs some more!
My daughter thinks the frog's croak sounds more like a "scraping sound," but that was also a great chance to talk about how different frogs make different sounds. For example, did you know that...
* Only male frogs croak!
* Every frog species makes a different sounding croak!
* Some "croaks" sound more like a bird chirping!
* The red-legged frog only "calls" underwater!
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To make your own cute Croaking Frog (that really croaks!), you will need these
Simple Supplies:
* paper cups
* these cute frog pictures (artwork by My Cute Graphics...or you can get your own pictures)
* tape or glue
* optional: paint
* 2 paper clips
* plastic ribbon, about 8 inches long
Just follow these easy steps:
1. Poke a *tiny* hole through the cup and thread the plastic ribbon through.
2. Tie each end of the ribbon around a paper clip.
3. Print the frog and tape it to your cup.
4. To make your frog croak, pull the ribbon all the way through the hole. Or go back and forth!
It's super easy!
This post is part of an AWESOME Halloween Read and Play Blog Hop. Make sure to check out the other book based activities from fantastic bloggers!
Pleasantest Thing- Goodnight Goon- Halloween Slime
LalyMom- Five Little Pumpkins- Clothespin Activity
LalyMom- Five Little Pumpkins- Clothespin Activity
The Jenny Evolution- Go Away Big Green Monster- Paper Monster
Hand Made Kids Art- The Legend of Spooky the Square Pumpkin- Square Pumpkin Art
The Inspired Treehouse- The Little Old Lady Who Was Not Afraid of Anything
Lovely Commotion- Pumpkin Pumpkin- Pumpkin Life Cycle
Bambini Travel- Broom, Zoom- Night Sky Activity
Preschool Powol Packets- Room on the Broom- Croaking Frog Craft
Adventures of Adam- Winnie the Witch- Multicolored Cat Project
Cutting Tiny Bites- Click, Clack, Boo!: A Tricky Treat- Sound Effects Box
Cutting Tiny Bites- Click, Clack, Boo!: A Tricky Treat- Halloween Shadow Garland
Betsy's Photography- Popcorn- Making Popcorn Bars
All Done Monkey- Runaway Pumpkin- Rolling Pumpkin Experiment
Kitchen Counter Chronicles- It's the Great Pumpkin, Charlie Brown- Great Pumpkin Bowling Game
Mama Smiles- Where is Baby's Pumpkin?- Felt Board Activity
Mama Smiles- Where is Baby's Pumpkin?- Felt Board Activity
Craft Ideas for Kids- Spider Sandwiches- Halloween Sensory Play: Monster Pizza Parlour
Teach Beside Me- Inside a House That is Haunted- Haunted House Craft
One Time Through- Magic School Bus: Haunted Museum- Spooky Sound Experiments
One Time Through- Magic School Bus: Haunted Museum- Spooky Sound Experiments
Bare Feet on the Dashboard- Curious George Goes to a Costume Party- Costumes and Pretend Play
Where Imagination Grows- 5 Little Ghosts- Ghost Collages
Fireflies and Mud Pies- Scary Scary Halloween- Halloween Necklace Craft
Royal Baloo- AlphaOops- Halloween Letter Puppets
Rubberboots and Elf Shoes- Skeleton Hiccups- Paper Chain Skeleton
P is for Preschooler- Clifford's Halloween- Cotton Ball Ghost Craft
Little Bins For Little Hands- ABCs of Halloween- Sensory Bin
Pink Stripey Socks- Scaredy-Cay Splat the Cat- Spider Costume
Fun-A-Day!- Big Pumpkin- Sequencing Activity
Line Upon Line Learning- The Spooky Old Tree- Prepositions Game
Kitchen Floor Crafts- Pumpkin Eye- Halloween Sticky Collage
Coffee Cups and Cratons- Spookley the Square Pumpkin- Glitter Pumpkin Sun Catchers
Wise Owl Factory- Bunnicula and others- Halloween Book Fun Learning Round Up
Planet Smarty Pants- The Picky Little Witch- Halloween Cupcakes
Don't forget to check out the Halloween Read and Play Pinterest Board which features ALL these great activities!
Planet Smarty Pants- The Picky Little Witch- Halloween Cupcakes
Don't forget to check out the Halloween Read and Play Pinterest Board which features ALL these great activities!
I may share at any of these parties!

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