100 Acts of Kindness Challenge & MLKJ Printable Kindness Quotes
I am super excited to join in the 100 Acts of Kindness Challenge!
To celebrate both Martin Luther King Jr. and Valentine's Day, the lovely ladies at Toddler Approved and Coffee Cups & Crayons are hosting a 100 Acts of Kindness Challenge.
I am absolutely in love with this idea for a couple reasons:
* Martin Luther King Jr. has always been an inspiration to me. He exemplified so many positive character traits that I would love to teach my children, including kindness, forgiving, patience, tolerance, love, peacefulness, courage, faith, and a will to effect positive change. I have a printable poster with quotes from Martin Luther King Jr. that you could use in a discussion on kindness with your children below!
* Valentine's Day is one of my favorite holidays, but I especially like to use the theme to encourage loving and kind behavior all month long in February!
So the challenge is to tally 100 acts of kindness with your kiddos between Martin Luther King Jr.'s birthday (on Monday) and Valentine's Day (February 14th). It won't be hard to get 100 acts of kindness in 26 days, but it will require a little effort. And whenever your family (or class!) puts effort and focus on a good thing (like kindness), it has a wonderful trickle effect where you see good things happening all around you! Next Friday I will share how we are keeping track of and encouraging our family to reach the goal of 100 acts of kindness. The week after that, I will share a fun (and random!) way your kiddos can serve.
I hope you will join me, other bloggers, and families around the world in this very worth-while challenge! You can click here to get all the details from Toddler Approved and
click here to get a fantastic list of 100 acts of kindness ideas for kids from Coffee Cups and Crayons!
And, you can click HERE to grab a {FREE} copy of this Kindness Quotes from Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Poster!
So...are you in? Are you ready for a little challenge this month? Even if you join the challenge and do not quite get to 100 acts, the focus on kindness is TOTALLY worth it! I'd love to know what you think!
To celebrate both Martin Luther King Jr. and Valentine's Day, the lovely ladies at Toddler Approved and Coffee Cups & Crayons are hosting a 100 Acts of Kindness Challenge.
I am absolutely in love with this idea for a couple reasons:
* Martin Luther King Jr. has always been an inspiration to me. He exemplified so many positive character traits that I would love to teach my children, including kindness, forgiving, patience, tolerance, love, peacefulness, courage, faith, and a will to effect positive change. I have a printable poster with quotes from Martin Luther King Jr. that you could use in a discussion on kindness with your children below!
* Valentine's Day is one of my favorite holidays, but I especially like to use the theme to encourage loving and kind behavior all month long in February!
So the challenge is to tally 100 acts of kindness with your kiddos between Martin Luther King Jr.'s birthday (on Monday) and Valentine's Day (February 14th). It won't be hard to get 100 acts of kindness in 26 days, but it will require a little effort. And whenever your family (or class!) puts effort and focus on a good thing (like kindness), it has a wonderful trickle effect where you see good things happening all around you! Next Friday I will share how we are keeping track of and encouraging our family to reach the goal of 100 acts of kindness. The week after that, I will share a fun (and random!) way your kiddos can serve.
I hope you will join me, other bloggers, and families around the world in this very worth-while challenge! You can click here to get all the details from Toddler Approved and
click here to get a fantastic list of 100 acts of kindness ideas for kids from Coffee Cups and Crayons!
And, you can click HERE to grab a {FREE} copy of this Kindness Quotes from Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Poster!
I may share at any of these parties!
